The Word of God in Romania 1970.12.08 - The Word of God | Page 4
Sons, you have dealt all your life time with jobs and many other earthly works. Sons, you
have been busy with your jobs in the time of prayer without thinking to leave free place for prayer
too. Sons, work the good. Do not stay in the taverns; do not sit at counsel with the world. Sons, do
not go on the same way with the world, rather sanctify yourselves, as the death is catching you,
with the world in your way. Sons, do not lust after the foreign women to Me, the Lord. Leave the
foreign women, for those women are deceitful and lead you into the eternal fire. (See the selection
topic: „The apocalyptic fire”, r.n.)
Sons, know that I, the Lord, have searched you and I have found many of you in the most
serious sins, but I tell you not to deny saying that it is not true, as you will be bitterly tormented.
Sons, I, the Lord, have tired My vessel, (Virginia, through whom He speaks, r.n.) for your sins.
Sons, turn back to Me, the Lord, for I announce you that next year at this time, we might
not be as we are now, rather we will be changed. Sons, be fully aware and do not say that I did not
let you know. Sons, come together and seek counseling for correction so that you may not perish
with the sinful ones, for this is what is written, that all the sinners will perish and they will be no
more. Sons, make peace with God by confessing your sins and by partaking with the holy Sacra-
ments and forsake the ways of perdition. Run, sons, from the way of Satan!
Sons, I did not write your names here, of the ones fallen into heavy sins, but rather, you
alone know yourselves that are guilty you of whom, I, the Lord speak very angrily.
Sons, I, the Lord, Jesus Christ close this pain to you, who have swerved from me, the Lord,
and ask that this letter to be read by my people, so that all the guilty may hear their sins and each
one to know them well. And to Daniel I tell, to keep this writing with much care, to a confessing
in front of the future Judge, for there have been and passed many judges, but as This Judge there
has never been one ever since, The One Who will show Himself in from of all humankind.
Peace to you, for the correction on the good and eternal way of God! Amen, amen, amen.
… Sons, once you decided to ask for a gift from the Lord, renew your request as often as
possible in front of the Lord. Present yourselves with great humility, with much faith and with
much friendship and without any kind of wickedness in your heart. And if, praying for a while,
you have not yet received what you have been asking for, do not be discouraged, for the Lord is
testing you, for as many times, sons, you consider some things that are not good and ask them
from God as good ones, to be good for you to damage or to death. Then God, to your benefit, is
not giving you. Or, it is better to tell you that many times the Lord is testing you and is expecting
from you steadfastness in prayer. Sons, I tell you: be steadfast in prayer, renewing your prayers
many times a day, for as the doctor gives a medicine many times a day, he gives the same medicine,
with abstaining from food and drink, so do I, the Heavenly Doctor, give to renew your prayer,
abstaining yourselves from any evil deed, as the good God does not neglect your prayer, and will
never forget them. The Lord Jesus Christ is giving you all that you ask from Him, at the best
time. Perhaps you, sons, have asked from Me a thing, and I, the Lord, have given you another, for
better use. Sons, persevere in praying all the time, for the perseverance in praying is very useful.
... My sons, I, the Lord, tell you that it is not allowed to speak in the holy church, not even
in whispering. Do not make noise, do not throw papers or candles on the floor and do not walk in
front of the altar during the Liturgy.