The Word of God in Romania 1970.12.08 - The Word of God
The Word of God 1
(Translated by I.A.)
I, the Lord Jesus Christ, have come down in the Spirit among you and I have searched the
lives of many of you. I have searched all your work, spiritually and earthly. I have searched your
busy time and free time. I have searched your gained time and your lost time. I have searched all
your Christian walk life. I tell you sons that many of you have wondered away from the Christian
walk. Many of you do not feast anymore; many of you do not pray anymore; many of you do not
go to the holy church; many of you do not confess to your confessor, your sins that you make every
hour and minute and do not share the Body and Blood of our Lord in holiness and cleanness. Sons,
sons, many of you work on Sundays and on holidays, not only in the factories and enterprises, but
even in your houses and in your fields and your courtyards; you do all kinds of work. Many of you
have become lazy and drones; many of you have become treacherous; many of you have become
blasphemers; many of you have become drunkards and fornicators. Sons, many of you have be-
come liars; many of you have become arrogant; many of you have become proud and boastful;
many of you have become greedy; many of you have become lovers of foreign women; many of
you have become lovers of money and wealth; many of you have become gamblers; many of you
have become soccer players; many of you have become dancers; many of you have been after
fortune tellers; many of you have turned into enemies and evil people; many of you have become
unfaithful and rebellious; many of you have become slumberous; many of you have spoiled the
holy law.
Sons, why do I tell your deeds? Here, you need to know why I, the Lord, searching your
life and the places where you walk and the things that you do, I have spoken to you in an earthly
way and spiritually of the busy time and of the free time. I have told you about the gained time
and about the free time. Sons, sons, be careful of those searched by the Lord and written here.
Know that I have told by this word that many of you, in your free time, are sleeping deeply without
prayer. Many of you, in your free time, do not go to the little church and to the service, rather you
go to the taverns, to drinking, you go to competitions and parties. I have found many of you on
Sundays and on holiday days committing fornication. Instead of being at the service or in praying,
you commit adultery.
I ask you, these, I do not tell you the names, but you need to know your sins: why are you
no more Christians and have strayed from the Christian life and have gone to the pagan life? Sons,
why you do not feast anymore? Why, sons, do you not go to the little church? Why do you not
confess your sins and why you do not partake of the holy sacraments? Why, sons, you do not
observe the Sundays and holidays in holiness and cleanness? Why, sons, do you work on Sundays
and holidays? Why sons, have you become sluggish and lazy? Do you not work anything for your
eternal life? Why sons, have you become rebellious, instead of going ahead on My way? You
keep on backing away? Why, sons, have you become treacherous, and betrayed your life to Satan?
Now Satan laughs at your life and at your faith through your sins. Why sons, do I, the Lord, hear
when the world blasphemes your spiritual and faithful life? Why sons, do you commit adultery
with other women, abandoning your women? Why, sons, do you go to taverns using alcoholic
drinks until you get drunk as the ones in the world? Why sons, go you play cards? Why sons, do
you go to the competitions and to the ball? Why sons, do you go to the saloons with satanic dances?
God’s Word in Romania