The Word of God in Romania 1963.01.20 - The Word of God | Page 3
how to do it for themselves. All the work and all the things of the Christians are piled up on
earth, where they are being spoiled all the time, and in heaven have nothing.
… Write, Verginica, to My people, that some of the children of the people walk disor-
derly, working nothing; they get tired doing useless things and advise others to trample My
commandments. I give commandments to My people, to take care of these sons of them, to lead
them to work and to honestly earn their food. Make them understand the law, for who does not
work and who does not want to work, must not even eat, for the law is showing us that the
laziness is the sin death of the Christian. Out of laziness come many sins. I command My sons
to work faithfully for they will get payment from God.
You, My people, bring to the good way the people who commit sins, for you are the
light of the world and the salt of the earth. Let the sun not set over you who are at feud with
someone. You, Christians, who commune with the pearls which come from the middle of the
heavenly throne, with My words and of My Father; this is My commandment: let not be among
you neither hatred nor bad words nor shameful jokes, for they do not correspond to the Chris-
tian. Do not be pushing, neither covetous nor adulterers, neither drunkards nor wicked, neither
greedy nor envious, neither lazy nor blasphemers or boastful, for Christians like these do not
inherit the kingdom prepared by God.
You, My children, keep Sunday holy so that you may not fall into the curse of God’s
law, for God made this day for the rest of the body and strengthening of the soul. If you
work on Sunday, you will not be successful all your life and there will come on you dam-
ages and heavy afflictions and all your work in all the time will be plundered, for God is
against the one who works on Sundays.
I command you Christians, do not leave the church. The light of the Lord will be with
you as long as the church is still in service. The time is coming for you to be put out of the
church. (By servants of communist dictatorship, r.n.) You, all that time and on that time, do not
lose your courage and more, encourage one another and all of you know My coming, for the
Lord is not coming on good weather but in the rain and storm. I speak in parables. You,
Christians, respect your priests, no matter how harsh they are on you, so that you may not fall
into the curse of the God’s law.
I command you, Christians, to be pleasant with words, so that your word always may
be pleasant and seasoned with salt in order to give great gift to those who listen. Take heed of
all the words you speak so that you may not be the people who sow the seed into the wind, for
bad words spoil the good words as well.
… I tell you, Christian women, to wear decent clothing with shyness with a sound mind,
not as the women of Gomorrah and Sodom did, not with golden braided hair, not with flowers
in their hair, not with earrings, not with beads, not with rings, not with bracelets, not making a
tinkling with their feet, not with the purses into their hands, not with fancy clothes, but with
good deeds as it is proper for the Christian and God-fearing women. The Christian who dresses
his woman in luxury shows good quality merchandise to Satan and lately will lose her.