The Word of God in Romania 1958.06.07&08 - The Word of God | Page 3
wonder at him. He is there in the prison and feeds the souls with food. He has two hundred and
seventy souls who are praying for him. Oh, how hard work he endured! Not even thieves or
murderers have undergone so many labors that a Christian has, but to those who suffer for me
I give numbness so that they may not feel the pains, burns and blows. Look at Verginica, my
vessel, how many she suffered: how many burns, stings and blows! But I gave her power to be
successful, for it was a commander (From Security, r.n.) who was crying to her that it horrified
Sons, children, when you see the desolate city, I knock at your door. Which is the des-
olate city? Oh, it is faith, children. When the faith will grow cold, the evil one comes, is ready.
Sons, on the whole world it is only smoke. Children, I have sown wheat and there on
earth it is more tobacco. Where does this seed come from? It is from Satan; he has sown it. See
that this taste may not come over you. See that you do not poison yourselves. Well children, do
not care more about your bodies than to your souls.
The Word of God
… I have come down from heaven to earth but if you want Me to talk to you, tame your
hearts. I look and see that your hearts have been hardened. There is no fiddler to play to you; it
is none. If you have come for something like this, it is not, and if you do not believe that I am,
once you will see, that the same way I descended once in a body to heal the bodies, the same
way I have descended now in Spirit to heal the souls. Sons, I have not come to strike with the
rod, rather to heal the sick souls. Today I am speaking gently to you, in the Spirit, but tomorrow
I will come and speak to you with thunders and thunderbolts so that the earth will be shaken.
… Behold My children, I detest coming down in a vessel, that this I found cleansed and
washed, and at My word it will be cleansed. I became gentle after the man’s will. I pour out
water with a bucket to the flowers with the crowd.
… Here are the last days. Sons, come to Me, for I have where to take you; the gates are
open to the hinges. Come to Me, for I have what to feed you on. Come all of you, for I have
every kind of relishes.
Oh, I see in your midst some infants. Well, come to Me, children! Sons, those fourteen
thousands of infants who were sacrificed for Me, all have bugles and praise My name. See why
it is so great joy on that day of Christmas; therefore I make bagels which are shared. The same
way you rejoice, likewise those in heaven rejoice.
… I am not scented as you use to be. I am not speaking of you all; I only speak about
some of you. Leave luxury and pride, for they are greatly abhorred by Me.
… I have come to seek the lost sheep. Here, you lose the sheep, the cow or the goat, are
seeking it and say: “May the wolves eat you!” if you do not find it anymore. Oh, how about if
I did the same to you and say: “Only if I find you no more!”…
…Son, you got upset because you did not have a job, but I had not coat, no money, no
crop fields, no fortune and I lived too. Oh, of you have faith, you would have gold to sit on it,
and you would have all you need to live with, the way I like, not as the world does, with pride
and with rich food that spoil.