The Word of God in Romania 1955-1957 - The word of God | Page 6

1955-1957 You do not know what is being prepared. You have eyes and do not see, you have ears and do not hear what is being prepared for you. I am not afraid, for I am Spirit and I fly over above, but I take pity on My vessel. … My Mother is crying for you are praying with your head uncovered. Woe to the woman who cuts her hair! For the devil made a nest into it! Why do you dishonor your head? For the woman with her head uncovered will be dishonored before God. Let her shave her hair so that she may be ashamed if she wants to walk like this. … Do not be thorns which bite. Here I came down in a bush, not in an expensive vessel, beautiful and bright, but in a rotten vessel of sufferance, in a trash vessel, not valued by the learned one, or by the rich one, but I came down to a straw. Why do you still judge it? I am still healing the sick, the blind and the lame. Do not value My vessel, children, but rather the gift. You value marble vessels, not the earthen ones. Who loves God loves My vessel too, but you hate My vessel. Father loves His Son, and the Son loves the Father, for both the vessel and the Spirit come from the Holy Trinity. … Oh, there a famine is coming when you cannot live without God. There a drought and a famine of the word of God are coming. (The greatest persecution of the Christians under the communist dictatorship, r.n.) … Here, the one who wants to marry do not stop him. The one who does not want do not force him so that you may not be judged, for marriage will go to trial until the end. 14.05.1957 *** The Word of God … A thread is coming off from heaven to earth, but it is not a thread, rather a flash from the east. Behold a little angel sits with a leg on the sea and the other on dry land and is ready to let it go. Behold he is standing and tells not to put the seal. …Four little angels are turned loose. They were bound for a while. Here it rises, little children, from the west it rises a cloud, a great darkness, and the hailstorm will come, but it will not be hail. Do you understand? Alas, alas, the table is set! Behold, the little angel is crying at the table. Blessed is he who overcomes, the one, will prevail as in the heaven. Oh, well, My children, for whom is coming this one that has been prepared? For Jerusalem who is in bondage. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, free yourself, as you have fallen under the sword! Brothers I do not pre- pare you for a foreign yoke, as the light has not fellowship with darkness. Oh, I gave you gold and you said that I gave you brass. If My gold is not brass, then My children, why do you not forgive? Oh, how many times you say, „Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive our debtors?” … Children, be strong, as the stones are against you too, there are only demons around you, only Antichrists everywhere, that it is harder for you than it was of the saints who had lived here ahead of you. There are only demons which deceived you. Be strong and wide awake as the Father is waiting for you. He does not let the little angel to pour out the bowl; My Father is still waiting. (See the topic: “Antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.) Oh, well My children! You know that among you are wolves dressed in sheepskins? (Informers for the communist dictatorship „Security” r.n.) Here is how they throw the pearls which they have received; (Body and Blood of our Lord in Holy Communion, r.n.) they show no pity. Here is how they throw them and mock at them. Do not grieve! Not all, not everyone 6