The Word of God in Romania 1955-1957 - The word of God | Page 3
Therefore I say to you: if you are not clean and dressed with the garment of the bride, you will
not be able to sit at My table on the day of My wedding, on the day of My coming. The wedding
dress shows your clean life. You need to be righteous as lambs so that you may take part at the
great wedding. Oh, sons, to not worry of what you are to put on the table for so many Christians.
Have trust the same way My Mother had two thousand years ago when we were invited at My
disciple wedding, for I multiplied the wine and I did not put their godfather to shame.
Here, My bride of today has not seen the man but only looked at his feet for he has not
lifted his head from the ground. I have come to this wedding with five prophets and they will
remain as a testimony, for it was not something like this and it will never be. I brought a little
angel with a little hammer and he smashed all the light bulbs at the chandelier and put candles
of clean wax. Be careful, My children, for you do not give to the bridegroom and bride, for it
is the Lord’s Mother who collects all of your gifts. Keep your wedding clean so that may I take
you at the table of My wedding.
The Word of God
Oh, My beloved and tired children! Do you like these fields? Do you like these moun-
tains? Oh, they look like the Sion mountains! Oh, little but beautiful country, oppressed country.
My Mother has chosen you to be Her garden, and that is why I will remove all your dandruff
from you. Oh, Romania, Romania, which are full of wealth, I will shake you and I will clean
you up, because I have many relics of saints in your hearth.
The Word of God
… Oh, My children, I have to come to an end, so that you may rest and to be able to
take part at the holy Liturgy. Scrape along not to miss this mystery. Oh, Father, I sacrificed
Myself for you, to stay on holy table to feed on you. As the body dies without food, the same
way your soul dies without manna.
The Word of God
Blessed is the country and blessed is the people and all the immortals who live through
the Romanian people, as they will all benefit from the mercy of God for the Romanian people,
whom good God wanted to choose among the nations, the most humiliated people, who bitterly
suffered because of the powerful ones, who was exploited, threatened, invaded, tortured, sold
and bought in every war, 3 and still, a good example of a hospitable people whom almost every
nation could join and live, 4 showing a pleasant greatness and being made to be an example of
universal fusion into one nation, with a straight and holy belief, being the highest nation in the
world in order to offer accomodation to all the nations around the world.
See the history of Romania, a country formed (like the Holy Trinity) of three small Romanian countries,
occupied at turns by the big empires of the time, succeeding the unification (still incomplete) only in 1918, red.
It is the only country in the world which granted each minority a place in the Parliament, red. note.