The sign of the Son of Man
glory . If I had not hidden from people ’ s sight , My godhead would have been lost from the mind of the people . However , I hid with great glory , with great mystery , for great is My ascension .
Amen , amen I speak to you , sons anointed by My hand , by the spring , which has been flowing from My side for two thousand years : come and have breakfast ! My word is bread and fish from Me ; milk and honey in the wilderness without food ; water from the rock , and an everflowing spring . Come and have breakfast ! I , Myself , stand into your midst as on the shore . The world is an endless sea . All who are entangled with it will be sunken into it . But you are the escaping oasis , the shore of the sea . Soon , soon , the sea will no longer be , for it is written into the Scriptures : « I saw a new heaven and a new earth , for the first heaven and the first earth have passed away , and the sea is no longer more ; and I saw the holy citadel , New Jerusalem , coming down out of heaven from God , made ready like a bride adorned for her husband ». « I make them all new ». Amen . And I say again : « It is finished !». Amen . And let him , who is thirsty , come and drink , and let him drink of the spring of the water of life . But the second death is with those who are coward and unfaithful , filthy , murderers , immoral , sorcerers and idolaters , and all sort of liars , fire and brimstone , burning into the lake of fire . But behold the river and the water of life , as clear as crystal ; and the tree of life grows on its bank . ( See the selection topic : „
This word is the river of life 5 ”, r . n .) Those who drink have their names written on their foreheads . These words are unfailing and true , and I , the Lord , have sent My angel to proclaim those that are to come , for I come soon , and the word goes ahead of Me , the sign of the Son of Man , the people of the word of God , which takes the demons out of the people , as it is written about those who are anointed and sent with authority : « They will cast out demons into My name , and speak with new languages ; they will take up serpents and destroy death , and will wake up those that are not faithful and will strengthen them on their feet ».
… ― Oh , sons , all are written into the Scriptures , but the man pretends that he does not know them . This is how the man does with My word of today , that I , the Lord , write it on the earth by your own little hands . It is written into the Scriptures that « the unfaithful will be wiped out from the earth », but the man has got used to perishing and says that the law endures as long as the world is . Oh , the law is not this ! This is not law , man . This is the reward of the sin , you , man that are used to perishing . Man , the man who came out of you is the reward of your sins ; it is not law . Do you see what you call law ? The sin you call law , as you put it as a law upon you to fulfill it . Fulfill it if you want , but you should know that I make the man from dust again , as I made him in the beginning ; for the one that came out of you is your sin , and he is not a man . What shall I do to you if you wanted that the woman to be your woman ? If you had remained Mine , the woman would have also remained Mine , and you would have remained God ’ s man , as for this I created you . I did not create you to give you over to the sin , but rather I created you to make you fruitful and to get used to the work of the fruition , but if you turned