The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 98

Resurrection of the dead
And now , My people , behold , Verginica stays between you and Me with the one who was her companion on the earth at the beginning of My work with her and who was now taken up from his tent . ( In the time of Saint Virginia ’ s earthly life some of the instruments of the dictatorship of the communist red beast compelled her to get married , otherwise they would put her into a psychiatric hospital , and this one was her “ husband ” in front of authorities and her companion day by day , by common assent , by the faith in the word coming from the Lord , r . n .) Forty days had passed since he was taken up and now she is standing before Me and before you with him . I weigh her works , but more than that I weigh his faith in the work of My word and his repentance before his end of life . Verginica 46 weighs on scales his great love and obedience at his beginning within My work , because after that he came out of obedience and was pulled out of My arm . I have spoken now the word that an atonement and reconciliation sacrifice may be brought for him for forty days , until the feast of My resurrection , and My work is great , and by it , with My power , I have set an order of prayer and sacrifice of reconciliation for the creature before Me , and everything that has been established by Me word has power in it by Me , and he who passes with his body into My people sees this , and the resurrection of the dead is a great mystery , only that the man is small in his faith and does not understand the mystery of the resurrection of those who are asleep . I have also told this to those who carry Me as the word from the Father to man and I have told them that the man ’ s body keeps his soul in it in the same way as the chick , which has not come out of its egg shell , stays and becomes perfect in its shell while the hen warms up the egg with her body and with her sacrificing love so that the life of her chick may grow within the egg , and then the chick to be able to come out from the egg , and upon its coming , it pecks with its beak the shell that covers it and breaks it open to come out and have life within the light . Oh , this is how the man ’ s coming out of his body to his post-body life has to be understood , and happy are those who have the Lord as their nurse in their life in the flesh , because even after that they have Him as their comfort , as the growth of their life with happiness forever , and behold , we cook food and comfort on the earth so that the one who leaves his body may have , and then to feed him from heaven to grow perfectly and to become a full citizen of the heaven , together with those who are rested within Christ !
Oh , My mercy is without limits but My justice also works near it . Behold , I have given a word into your midst , My people , to be remembered in the little garden of My word , on the altar of the godly liturgy , My bloodless sacrifice , and with it to be named the forgiveness of this little soul who left the earth unprepared , for he was weak for himself , for the body and for the soul , because satan had put him in bondage by his disobedience and then by his lack of power to get up from his weaknesses , from the trap of the devil , in which he was stayed being caught up to the end of this body , for the bonds put over him were great by the one who pulled him out from near My trumpet , for all the time the evil spirit had been taking revenge against My vessel by which I had My Spirit and word come down on the earth . I , the Lord , am going to work now great salvation for this little soul and then I will refresh him in the day of the feast of My resurrection , and by that time , I have asked to be brought an atonement sacrifice for him here , in the little garden of My word , on the altar of the reconciliation of the man to the Father , through Me , the slaughtered Lamb , for the faithful ones .
Oh , this power of Mine is a great power , by which I have been giving Myself for two thousand years through those who are holy and pleased with Me , a peace offering in such a way that I may intervene with the Father for man ; however , today I have been clothing with great
Saint Virginia , the sixth apocalyptic trumpet ( See selection topic : „ The apocalyptic trumpets ”, r . n .)