The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 95

Resurrection of the dead
Those asleep have remained now in My gardens , My people , until the day when the public call will be made , for I , the Lord , have called them ahead of time . And as for you , My people , sacrificing for My spoken word , which calls to the spring those who are thirsty , you shall not forget that I , the Lord , have a great longing for man . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the saint archangels Michael and Gabriel , from 21-11-2008 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Martyr Catherine proclaims from Me My glory in the holy ones and leaves the word of calling the man to God , because these are those who believe in Me on earth , and I am their Lord and God and I am glorifying Myself in them on earth and in heaven for their love . Amen , amen , amen .
— Oh , Lord of the powers in heaven and on earth , the today ’ s work of Your word brings You down to man with the saints on earth , for the air is the homeland of Your saints , and those in the air see , for the Spirit is the One Who sees and brings life to man . I am telling the men ’ s sons and daughters that I denied of myself and of those who loved me for them and I chose You as my love , for You love man for what he is for his eternal life , Lord . I tell the sons and daughters of men that I have forsaken myself and those who loved me for them , and I have chosen You to love , after I had found that You are the Way , the Truth and the Life . I gave You my wisdom after I had given myself to You and You worked it , made of it heavenly beauty and dwelt in it and You made me a disciple with a life giving spirit and I gave life to the people and saved them from death , and I had no longer worked any death upon man as the woman did , for the woman has been working death to man for seven thousand years and if she has done this , she is mad . When the serpent , the wisest among all the beasts , came near and asked the woman in paradise : « Why then has God said : Do not eat of every tree of the garden ?» And the woman replied : « Of the fruit of the tree of the garden we may eat , but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden , God has said , ‘ You shall not eat of it , neither shall you touch it , lest you die ». ( Gen : 3 / 2-4 ) Oh , if she had been obedient to God , she would have understood about what kind of death the serpent spoke to her when he said : « You won ’ t surely die , for God knows that in the day you eat it , your eyes will be opened , and you will be like God , knowing good and evil ». ( Gen : 3 / 5 ) And because the woman looked then at the tree , she liked after she had eaten and she liked to know after she had known , she took , and , while eating she gave to her husband and he ate with her , and then their eyes were opened and they knew and liked to know and then they were afraid of God , Whose world they violated and then covered the shame of their nakedness , the place on their body through which they knew the pleasure of disobedience , and they made covers around their bodies as it is written , and when they heard the Lord ’ s voice walking through the garden they hid from God among the trees . However , the Lord called Adam to show up and give an answer to God , and Adam said to the Lord : « I am naked ». « Oh , who told you that you were naked ? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from ?» ( Gen : 3 / 10-11 ) This is what God asked him and he told the Lord who was the guilty one .
Oh , woman needs wisdom and not the taste of pleasure , for the longing after pleasure makes man look at her and after her , so that his eyes may be open for her . In serpent there was God ’ s hidden wisdom , but in woman was lust and pleasure , and if she took from the tree , her pleasure and knowing of pleasure were opened to her and then man was attracted to her and fell through her ; the man built by God fell in disobedience and fell through the woman .