The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 87

Resurrection of the dead
and the spirit of unbelief arose greatly in the people and Your sufferance was fulfilled on Golgotha , oh , Son of God , and we were then like blind people and our eyes were prevented to see , and this is how we fulfilled the Scripture for scorn against You and for Your sacrifice on the cross for the human kind guilty with sin . Now You have called us to a table of memorial for the world of those asleep , and who can stand against your works ? Here we are ! We are guilty before You and before Your people that confesses You into the midst of the Romanian people , the way of Your coming as word of judgment from the Father to the man on the earth . If You want , you can cleanse us from our sin by forgiveness and do not let us forever in the fire , for our soul has been burning within great torment , but it still hopes in You , the One Who died on the cross , put by us , and then the One Who were resurrected by the cross . Then we were ashamed of You and of Your glory full of humility , and behold , we stand with shame before You and before Your Father and Your saints and Your people of today . And now be it done according to Your will with us , but do not forget that You are merciful , that You are long enduring , if You want , for You have come now on the earth with great power , with much , much word , and Your word is like a river in which the man can wash away from his guilt . We can no longer do it , but You can wash us . You and Your people , interceding now for the salvation of the creature . May Your will be done , but we also know that You are enduring as You were two thousand years ago , when You endured with love the fulfillment of all that were written before about You , about You and about us , those who caused You great sufferance for the atonement of the sins of the world . Then we were judges , we and the world , and now You are judge and You are just , but You are also long enduring , for You are God , You are the Son of the Father Sabaoth and of the Virgin mother , and You also come to judge the living and the dead , and You are without beginning and without end , and You are the beginning and the end as well . Amen . And now , if You also want for us , You know this and we receive . Oh , receive us ; receive us for the prayers of those who have been praying on the earth for our guilt and for its forgiveness before You ! Amen , amen , amen .
– I , the Lord , resurrected from crucifixion , am long enduring , and I am the same as on the cross two thousand years ago , when I asked from the Father for the forgiveness of those who fulfilled the Scriptures about Me to be crucified and to bear the burden of the sins of the world , to give My life for their atonement and to come to life again victoriously , and My resurrection wiped out the guilt of those who condemned Me as a man , for I was resurrected like a true God .
… — Oh , male and female disciples , you have released now dear and zealous exhortations over the people from among the saints ! Let us also fulfill over them the kingdom , which does not fall down ! Amen .
I , the Lord , am writing now with My mercy the forgiveness of those who , out of their weakness , condemned Me to the cross , and I put out their fire as long as two thousand years over their soul .
Oh , rest now sons ! I have waited in tears for your relief . Cry with Me now in a spirit of comfort . I am giving you tears of comfort now . Give away your tears by this time and receive My comfort . There is still a little time and your eternal comfort will remain between heaven and earth , and you will be comforted for your sufferance of two thousand years too , after you have stayed face to face with the sin committed by you . Peace to you ! Amen , amen , amen .