The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 75

Resurrection of the dead
humble spirit , which becomes paradise in man , paradise for God and for the saints , sons . Oh , you have to show My face in you to the people , because only in this way you can fulfill the great commandment , which says : « You shall love your neighbor as yourself »; only this way and not otherwise , sons .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the holy archangels , Michael and Gabriel , from 21-11-2004 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Oh , My people , the man does now know to believe that God ’ s Scriptures surely come true . As far as every man ’ s life concerns , the man has to build it in his body , in his own body , in which God is supposed to dwell and not him , but he acted the fool saying that he did not know this mystery ; however , he does not play the fool when he receives medals and diplomas of a great and intelligent man . And the one , who has taken on a name and a rank of holy man to God , did not play to fool either , but I tell you that he will be called into account for what he has sown in his body ; he plays the fool pretending that he has not known , that he has not believed , that he has not seen or heard . However , I am preached far and wide , from one margin of the heavens to the other , and the commandment spoken by Me over the man for his eternal life will require an answer of every man , for God is true in all His word . Amen .
… — However , My loved saints , this is what I said when I was with My disciples on earth : « And I , if I am lifted up from the earth will draw all people to the Father , for I will come in the clouds of the heaven , with great power and glory and then I will finish ». I will bring an end to the man ’ s life and I will start with My life in man and I will make a people of saints on earth . This kind of work I am doing now on the Romanian land and I want the Romanians to hear Me and to come near and know My coming and its work and to follow in the footsteps of those who sanctify themselves for My coming in their own body , for it is I Who have to live in man and not the man , and this life I want to bring on earth and to bring it with the saints . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three holy hierarchs : Basil , Gregory and John , from 12-02-2005 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
I come down as word on the earth . It is My coming down after two thousand years from My ascension near the Father , after I became Man born of the Virgin to grow and to be crucified by the man , and then by resurrection , to ascend to the Father again .
… And now , the man built by My hand , male and female , and all his followers , sinners of saints , unworthy or righteousness , all those who are unfaithful and who fearfully were swallowed by the flood and given alive over the dwelling of the dead , all those who are remembered , the seven ages of people , who have been born on earth from the man , these bring reverence before Me and before My people into the midst of which it was spoken about remembrance and prayer for the forgiveness of their sins , and , desiring longingly and crying mournfully , they wait and call from Me the last moment by which they will be redeemed in their bodies for eternity with the saints , by the forgiveness from the Father . We release them now , and they , with their spirit released , bow , so that afterwards , after I will not be so long in coming , let them get up for the new birth of everything , in the mystery of the new heaven and new earth , the mystery of the eternal life , the mystery that has not been understood by the man , who has been dying for seven thousand years without understanding what it has been with his life until My coming , and then , again .