The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 73

Resurrection of the dead
and on the earth , so that the two worlds may be one , sons . However , I am the invisible King because I am surrounded by the angelic hosts , and these are without body , and that is why the earthlings do not see them and do not see Me , Who am covered by the invisible angels . However , I am Who I am , and I do My work wonderfully and mysteriously , as I am the mysterious God , and when I call those in the tombs when you remember them , they , like Me , surrounded by My hosts of angels , stay not being seen by man with you at their table of remembrance , as there is no other place on earth and in heaven like My place from you and with you . Amen . The heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool , and when I am with you as word , I speak to you from My throne , and the heaven , not seen by man , is here with you , and I am also telling those who are coming and surrounding you because you are Mine , and I am telling them that I am the Maker of the heaven and the earth , of everything that is seen and not seen . ( See the selection topic : „ The heaven – the throne , the earth – the footstool : the man deified 39 ”, r . n .) And now I am coming to you , as I said that I would come again to judge the living and the dead , and My kingdom does not have and will not have an end , and together with the Father and with the Holy Spirit , Who spoke and speaks by the prophets , I am worshipped and glorified . Amen .
… Oh , behold , the curtain , which stays between the two worlds , has been pulled aside for those who were remembered , and I am sitting with you at the table , as the one who is remembered takes all his fallen asleep relatives , as he is remembered on My altar of fire from the place of the glory of My word , which is being glorified during these days over the earth sharing itself to the people who can believe in Me , because two thousand years ago , I said that the time would come when those in the graves would hear the voice of the Son of God and they would wake up at His voice . However , those on earth did not take care to have faith and eyes for those who have waited from the making of man for their resurrection at My voice ; they have been waiting to call them out . Amen .
When death entered man and upon man , after I had made those visible and invisible of the heaven and the earth , I told Cain , who raised his hand and killed his brother because of the wickedness of his heart , and I asked him : « What have you done ?» And as he hid his deed from Me and because he did that , and I asked him again : « What have you done , for the voice of your brother ’ s blood cries to Me from the ground ». ( Gen : 4 / 10 ) Abel ’ s life cries out to Me , because life does not perish forever , and only death will perish as it is written . Amen . Oh , and this is how those in the tombs cry to Me to take them out and to give them forgiveness and their life back , and happy are those who are in body and learn from Me how to take out those who have waited for their life that I put in them at their birth from man . Oh , what a great mystery and work is the memorial of those who wait in the dwelling of the dead to get up at My voice to which pray those that I love on earth and from the earth .
May it be blessed his little heart which love with such a great longing the work of My word and you , for his salvation and for the salvation of those whom he wants again to be with him and with Me those who were his after the flesh . Oh , you son who love the heaven , the love for the heaven is learned from heaven and not from the earth , but it can be hardly perceived by
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