The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 69

Resurrection of the dead
stand in his own order , and the judgment will be made by Me and you , those who are My merciful ones , when I will speak through you and when I will proclaim the resurrection of the dead . Amen .
Christ has risen for each man ! Amen .
Christ has risen for all those who will keep everything that I have commanded them to do ! Amen .
Christ has risen for all those who will be baptized then in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit , beginning with Jerusalem , as I commanded My disciples to work two thousand years ago !
Christ has risen for all those who will stand up in their bodies from the earth according to the Scriptures of the raising of the dead , and then , the life of the age which is to be on earth for the faithful ones , for a new heaven and a new earth by the mystery of the New Jerusalem , chosen at the end of the time , a heavenly mystery on earth with the people in the midst of whom I will dwell and reign by the gift of the eternal life everywhere and over all things ! Amen .
Oh , My people , may your steadfast faith be blessed ! Amen . And after you will have taken the food for your being , which I am blessing now , I will take you specially and I will reveal within your life the mystery of the firm faith and its fruit , My people . And I ask you , as a great God that I am , to pay attention and to keep everything that I am going to reveal you for your life , for My life in you , only for you to believe that I am He Who hears and sees and knows the spirit in man , and the spirit between man and man , and between Me and you , sons of My word , you who give birth to sons . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover , of the saint apostle Thomas , from 18-04-2004 .
Christ is risen ! And let the number of the disciples increase , those who believe in this word of the sacrificed and resurrected Lamb , and let the undoubted faith also increase , of those who hear from far and near the news that the Lord has been speaking the word after two thousand years on earth . This is the word of the seventh angel , My word , the voice of the One Who cries out : “ Come to life !”, the voice which is heard by those in the graves to come out , as I said two thousand years ago that they would hear it and will wake up , and the saints who wait for Me for such a long time , come with Me , for I come with them , because they woke up for My coming , and many woke up from among them two thousand years ago , since I , the One Who was crucified and resurrected , made their way for their resurrection within their body , and I , being the beginning of this . Amen .
Oh , I want to reward your tiredness with disciples , working sons . Give priority to this work , for My disciples , after I was resurrected and after I sent them on earth to preach Me for the faith of many people , they did so , and they took care of the growing of the word , and especially , of the growing of the Holy Spirit in those who came closer to believe , and you should also not work something else on earth , for it is the time of the renewal of the earth by My word , and with every passing day the time is high to plant My beauty of the heaven on earth in a visible way starting with you , for without you I do not make any beginning or any end of My works by which I renew the earth and the heaven , which will come down on earth renewed