The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 46

Resurrection of the dead
― Lord , Your wound is open and Your life flows from it over us , and we come to life from life , for You are true God from true God , born of the Father and then of man , God born of man , so that You may take the man up to God by this way , through You , Lord of life without death . Life is in You , Lord , and it is the light of the people and the darkness cannot overcome it . Behold how much light here and now , from You , and Your glory with which You glorify Yourself on earth now , at Your coming with the resurrection , gives us the word of resurrection , the word which calls through Your angel over Your garden , which brings the beginning with the end together in it . Oh , how much those born of Your word in the last days have waited ; Your word which blows strongly and spreads the news of the creature resurrection , the gospel of redemption , Lord , from its garden on the earth .
We , the great and the small among the dead , confess to the world of the people on the earth that the world beyond the grave really is . Those that are not seen are true and those that are seen are not true . When the man passes away from this world into the world that is not seen by the eyes of the body , he passes this bridge without feeling it , and suddenly he sees something else , not known to him , and in this way he enters into the world , which is not seen . He , who enters all of a sudden into this world , which is not seen , that one is full of terror and goes to those filled with terror and each one of these know nothing but only about oneself , and one like this does not find any support in his fear , for he left the earth on a sudden . Woe to those , who have no one to take from , on the earth afterwards , for here any relief , news and understanding can come only from good hands . ( See ” A Divine Revelation of Hell by Mary K Baxter ”, r . n .)
You , Lord of the powers , give power to the people to believe that You came to us and gave us power to confess from here to the people on the earth . The sight of the man on the earth is too fleshly , too small and too little so that the man may be able to see something of those , which are from the world beyond this flesh , from the world with joys and pains for those in it .
Come to a stop , you world on the earth , and listen to the voice of those in the graves , for their world is more alive than the one on the earth . Come to a stop and set your mind to those that are , for those that are not cannot be seen but only by holy looks on the earth . The book of judgment was opened on the earth , and its supper is the Lord ’ s garden in the middle of Romania and all the dead , small and great , hear the Lord speaking in the Romanian language . The word of God is heard on all sides of the invisible world and it speaks in Romanian the news of resurrection and the word of comfort over those who wait for the coming out and for the new making of the world , the resurrection of the world which has been waiting for this . The Lord , Who is coming , Jesus Christ , the Father God ’ s Lamb , is seen and heard everywhere , now , in the world of those who are not on the earth . Today they have heard His voice and seen His glory accompanied by angels in a celebration . And the Lord has brought us on the earth and we are with Him in His place of glory , in the place of the beginning of the world of that time and of the one now , which is to be .
Come to a stop , you world , on the earth , and listen to the voice of those in the graves , which speak at the commandment of God ’ s Word , Jesus Christ , the messenger of the Father God . All souls will come to life and have bodies , because the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come are being fulfilled , and the death and the hell will be thrown into the river of fire , the second death , the lake of fire . The word of Jesus Christ , which has come to us , is a river of fire where the death is thrown , and we , the saved ones , for the calling of those who