The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 43

Resurrection of the dead
— Oh , teaching children on My behalf , you are to give more and more , and much more from now on , life of My life to those who really want to be alive until the great resurrection , which is seen by the living and by the dead , until My coming with the resurrection of everyone for eternal life or for mourning , as it is written : « Then all the tribes of the earth will mourn , beating their chests , and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and much glory . He will send out His angels with a great sound of a trumpet , and they will gather together His chosen ones from the four winds , those who have chosen for God ». ( See Matt : 24 / 30-31 ) Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Shelter of Lord ’ s Mother , from 14-10-
2000 ***
At the turn of two days of feasting I come down upon you with My word , for it is a feasting of saints , children , watching for My coming . I strengthen My power in you to be able to write down My word into his book . Amen . My love for you brings Me always above the little garden that I have you in , and I come to feed you as a bird feeds its chickens .
Grow , sons , and give power to My coming and ask it to come from Father , for those in the graves have been waiting for Me to come and to call them out , for their waiting is long but nevertheless it is not as long as their waiting on earth . Oh , be great in your mind and give power to My coming , for those in heaven come together at My word with you , and those in hell rejoice of My light from you and which reaches to them . I always make My path to you to get My coming near and to prepare the day of the resurrection of the creature , and then the age of the heaven to be on earth with its everlastingness , for the saints wait for every creature , which does no longer know to wait . I also wait , sons , and I wait to come and blessed are those who believe that I come , for they become the day of My coming and give light My way to come , for it is only night in the way of My coming . Everything is in the dark on earth , everything is in pitch dark and no one sees My coming any longer , and the man walks in the darkness day and night ; he walks and sees nothing for he walks without seeing and without waiting .
Take care saving sons to remember always all those who were born and are no more and of whom there is no one to remember on earth , for the morning of their soul is great and it is a great mercy to be remembered and to be brought to light and to rise to life , to know that they have a Savior , Who will call them out of Hades . Seek to be always up to date with all the Christian order for all human kind , which is no more and which still is , and does not take care of the life of the soul , for woe to the souls without any help , without Savior ! Behold , the man on the earth does no longer takes care of the life of his soul , and in the invisible world of the souls , which are no more , the waiting is long ; the fear and morning is also great and it is burning to look at it ! I showed you what is there so that the mercy for those who are no longer in the body may seize you . ( See : ” A Divine Revelation of Hell by Mary K Baxter ”, r . n .) I have not wanted to make you sad but rather I have wanted to speak to your heart and to give power to My coming so that I may make My coming near , sons , and to be able to prepare the day for the resurrection of the creature . Remember all those without escape from the dwelling of the dead , and I go to give them hope for My coming , which is coming soon , soon . Their waiting is long and it is not as on earth . There no one can help another . There is only endless fear for every soul , and behold , there is no longer a living man on the earth to want to know how to make the Christian order for those who are no longer on the earth .