The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 4

Resurrection of the dead
… My little children , for this God sends from His heaven the Holy Spirit in an earthly pot ; the same way you have an alphorn so will it be with this body . ( Through which the Lord speaks , r . n .) Whoever likes it good for him ! Whoever does not like it runs away ; for there have come out many false prophets . Listen , Christian , for there are many prophets who prophesy by leaf and sing by leaf . There are prophets who prophesy by violin , they prophesy by guitar . There are prophets who prophesy by dancing . There are prophets who prophesy by kissing . Thousands and millions of them ! There are no leaf and grass as many prophets are to cheat the human creature . But God has only one chord and only one tool . There are many , but they have ended ; and for an end there is left one still . And in that day there shall come four brothers from four parts and will have four instruments and they will play by them their song , not against you , and each will play his song ; one for the resurrection of the dead ; another to call to judgment from all corners of the earth ; another for this , another for that .
Excerpt from the Word of God , from 27-03-1977 . ***
… Straighten yourselves Christians , for little , little it is , and we will see each other , and the one in the grave , who sleeps today , shall rise . A trumpet is sounding now , in a little while ; it will sound your arrival . It will call you to come in front of Me , not dead , not lying , not asleep , but awake . Pray always to God , so that this trumpet may not find you somewhere , awry , but rather praising God and singing . Well , children , be wise and do not ponder wrongly , for the Lord did not say any wrong words . ( See the selection topic : „ The apocalyptic trumpets 9 ”, red . note . 10 )
Excerpt from the Word of God , from 23-06-1977 . ***
My little child , rise from death , for this word will sound when the dead will rise . Oh , how long I have been sounding this word and you do not get out of your pit ! Elijah ascended to heaven in a chariot and horses of fire . He made this carriage through his life , through his deeds . His deed and his life brought God . Why do you not want this way ? Why have you cheated yourself ? Why do you not care about your life ? Why do you not value your life ? Why do you kill life ? Why do you not love it ?
Excerpt from the Word of God , from 25-05-1978 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
… You Christian do not look at the dead who buries himself , for there shall be a day when the dead is not buried and it shall be that in a twinkle of a clock everybody will awake .
Excerpt from the Word of God , from 03-12-1978 . ***
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