The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 39

Resurrection of the dead
the living may hear Me , and the dead will help Me and will testify about My coming at the same time with their resurrection . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the remembrance of the dreadful judgment , from 05-03-2000 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Christ has risen ! I am He Who proclaims Himself . I am He Who has taught man to say this : “ Christ has risen !” for I was resurrected from the dead and those in My time preached about Me .
Oh , the mystery of resurrection is beautiful ! It brings with it joy and resurrection to those who have fallen asleep . The mystery of My resurrection had worked wonderfully before My resurrection , for as long as My tomb had been closed under the seal of the Jewish bishops , I went into the dwelling of the dead and opened the graves for many , ( About these see Gospel of Nicodemus : Part II . - The Descent of Christ into Hell , r . n .) and they came out and appeared in Jerusalem confessing the truth about Me , coming from the Father to lay down My life for those who were to come to life . Those who came out of the tombs stayed in Jerusalem and appearing alive were telling everyone : “ Christ has risen and we have also risen together with Him out of our tombs and we are confessing the resurrected Christ .”
When I called out to the Father from the cross , at My last word the Father thrilled . Then the veil of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom , because the earth shook with power and the stones of the tombs split at My voice on the cross . Then those in the grave saw their Savior on the cross Who came to them through the gate of death and to take them out from the dwelling of the dead , and in the Scriptures it is written this : « The earth quaked and the rocks were split . The tombs were opened , and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised ; and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection , they entered into the holy citadel and appeared to many ». ( Matt : 27 / 51-53 )
Oh , when I , the Lord , will appear with My entire light , you will see many of those who say that they are Mine on earth how they will hide from My light so that it may not expose them with those they hide . And not even at that time will the man humble himself ; and then man will try to lock himself up , he will try to hide and become a tomb for his being that mysteriously asks for the resurrection and for the opening of the door for resurrection . Let those who love Me not be afraid , for I , the Lord , will work their resurrection , the opening of the seals of their graves , and they will come out for the work of love , the mystery of the freedom within Christ . He who works love has eternal life , and death has no power over him . He who gives life to love , that one is rich , and shares of its fruit and is alive by it .
Learn the mystery of the open door . Come close and listen to the mystery of My saints . Be open houses , for those who close themselves in their houses , they close themselves to work in the darkness , and the work of the darkness is sin which hides from nature . Behold , man hides from man ; he hides within himself and I say : oh , men , when I am going to open your graves and look into them , then what will you hide ? What will you do then ? There is still a little while and I am going to fulfill the resurrection of the dead of those under the earth and on the earth , and I am going to look into their graves , into their bodies , into their hearts hidden in their bodies . The hour has come for you , those in the graves , to hear the voice of the Son of God , Who sounds the resurrection and the opening of the tombs so that those have been kept there may come out . The hell will give up the dead who are in it . Death and Hades