The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 34

Resurrection of the dead
*** You , who hear from My mouth the word of life , lay with it into My book of these days .
Amen .
I come again at the manger with food ; I come with the word of life . It is My power for those who are saved by it from sins and from those in the world , and for the wisdom of the world , it is foolishness .
The wise man asks himself : „ How can God speak so much ?” The one , who says this , calls Me weak and limits My power . However , I would speak forever and I would never be silent , for I am the One Who can . The man cannot , but I can , only that the wonder of My power to be seen , the wonder of My word , within which I do not grow tired , for I have to establish a new heaven and a new earth , by word and by the work of My creating word , and I have to frustrate the wise and the learned of this age , for behold , the world through its wisdom has not known God within God ’ s wisdom , and I , the Lord , save those who are faithful that preach Me , the crucified One , and this is a stumbling block for the Jews , and for the pagans is foolishness , because it is written : « For Jews ask for signs , Greeks seek after wisdom , but we preach Christ crucified ; a stumbling block for the Jews , and foolishness to Greeks , but for those who are called , Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God ». And behold , the wisdom and the strength of the people is overcome by the foolishness and wickedness of God ’ s sons , so that those that are may put down those that are not , so that no body may boast before Me .
The wise man ask a question : „ How can God speak so much ?” Oh , if the people spoiled all My works to make theirs , should I , the Lord , really not get up like the Creator that I am and work ?
I has stayed for two days in the grave and I arose the third day and got up and worked and founded My kingdom on the earth . If the man would spoil it and he does spoil it always , shall I really not rise as a Creator that I am and work it back to its place ? Has the time really not come yet to put back to its place My kingdom built two thousand years ago ? I say again : I have stayed for two thousand years waiting for the creature ’ s resurrection that I died for , and the third thousand years is the day of the resurrection , the Lord ’ s Day . Amen . ( See the selection topic : „ The kingdom of one thousand years 26 ”, r . n .)
Here is the mystery about the ages , for with God a day is as a thousand years . This mystery is no longer hidden , for a day before Me is as a thousand years , and a thousand years as one day , and I do not delay with My promise , but I was long enduring according to the man ’ s estimation , for I wanted that every man should come to repentance . I gave time to the man , but the man has departed from the beginning and came to the end , for he went forward
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