The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 32

Resurrection of the dead
Soon , soon , those from the graves will arise and will enter into the mystery of the eternal life , the mystery of the redemption of the bodies and of the eternal adoption , My mystery with the godly man , in whom I rest after seven thousand years of waiting . And you , those that are My manger , yield into My strong hand , so that I may knead you into a new dough and to turn you into a new heaven and a new earth for Me and for the saints , as the mystery of the man ’ s birth is great ; the mystery of the new heaven and the new earth , where , I , the Lord have My seat and My footstool . The man forgets that he is to be born , and I come , and coming , I cross the air ; and I bring the news of the new birth of the world on the earth , as I am the Redeemer . Amen .
My mystery with you is a sweet mystery , honey and milk , for those from heaven , and on earth , My mystery with you is light from light . The mystery is that what is not seen , as My light is mystery and miracle in mystery . Soon , soon , My mystery with you will be well seen ; soon , soon , sons . Then the dead will arise to immortality , and the saints and the angels will come down on the earth and will crown the truth of My coming ; and the lie and its body will turn red and it will melt away to the punishment of its hypocrisy and of its bodies .
I am at the doors . No one can spoil this word , and He , Who testifies this , says : « Yes , I come soon !». Amen , amen , amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Lord ’ s Mother , from 08-01-2000 ***
I come again at the manger of My word . I come and come again , for I am without beginning and without end , and I am the beginning and the end of all that are to be worked . Amen . I come with food in abundance , for without the food from Me there is no man to be able with Me .
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit , the word is laying down in the manger . He is coming with the clouds as it is written into the Scriptures . Soon , soon , the body of My word is coming to prove out every word . ( See the selection topic : „ The coming in a visible way 24 ”, r . n .) Until that time , I come as word , for I am the Lord of the saints , and I am coming with them . They are those who are alive , like Me , as this is what I said through the Scriptures : « He who believes in Me has eternal life »; and again : « He who loses his life for Me will gain it », and My word remains forever and ever , together with its fulfillment . Amen .
I always come as word on the earth and I have the saints within My coming . They are those that are alive until My coming and work between Me and those who believe in Me for the confirmation of the eternal life of those who believe in Me giving their lives for My life in them , and they are like Me , eternal , and they see Me the way I am , for it is written into the Scriptures : « They will be like Him , for they will see Him as He is ». Amen . The saints ’ eternal life is an unfathomable life , for the man stays on the earth without this knowledge . I , the Lord of the saints , was in the grave with My body , and at the same time I was both in heaven and in hell , to fulfill My work that I had to do by My death on the cross . Then I came out above
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