The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 30

Resurrection of the dead
Take it to your heart , Jacob ’ s sons , for we are Israelites and are the witnesses of this fulfillment . Repent from the sin of unbelief and be baptized into the name of Jesus Christ as we are for the forgiveness of your sins , so that you may have the Holy Spirit and be able to perceive with Him the heavenly mysteries , which come on the earth with Jesus Christ , the One Who is coming the second time from near His Father . He is the stone disregarded by you , builders , but it came to be the cornerstone and there is no salvation in anyone else , for there is no other name given to us , humans , by which we may be saved .
We have spread Christ ’ s testimony all over and we did not give the gift of the power from above to anyone on money , the power , which was in us in order to bear testimony of the truth of Jesus Christ ’ s mystery , for we gave ourselves over to Him in obedience , because Moses told to the sons of Israel : « The Lord , our God will raise a Prophet like me ; you should listen to Him ». But whom of the prophets did your fathers not persecute because they foretold the coming of the Righteous One ? For you received the law ordained by angels and you did not kept it .
You read in the prophets . Do you believe in the prophets ? We know that you do . Do you really believe what you read in the prophets ? Oh , how should you understand , if you did not accept someone to lead you ? « He was brought before the shearer as a mute sheep that is led to the slaughter ; so He did not open His mouth . He was taken away by oppression and judgment , but who will tell about His kindred ? For He gave His life for the sinners »; this is what was prophesied in the Scriptures .
We come now , for we are alive forever , and Christ gave us the judgment seats for you in Israel that did not believe , as you did not receive what you have been looking for , while those that were chosen among you received them , and you , the others , have grown callous as it is written : « God gave them a spirit of drowsiness and eyes that they might not see and ears that they may not hear up to the present », and « by their downfall He gave the salvation to the Gentiles , so that Israel may long for them ».
We come to you to stir up your zeal , for if your removal brought about the reconciliation of the world , what will be your receiving back , if not resurrection from the dead ? Many a nation have received the truth through Christ , and as once these did not listen to God and many received compassion by your disobedience , likewise , you have also not listened by now so that by His mercy , given to them , you may also receive mercy , if you receive the Son of God . Amen .
The time will come and it has already come , when the dead hear the voice of the Son of God . ( See the selection topic : „ The dead hear My voice 23 ”, r . n .) Give your ears and anoint your eyes with salve , you , people of Israel , for we are from among you , a remnant chosen by grace to intercede with God for the whole Israel that will come to life at the voice of God ’ s Son , Who is coming after two thousand years as a Judge from the Father to give each one according to his own deed . Amen , amen , amen .
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