The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 24

Resurrection of the dead
your heart and your body be in humility , a dwelling place of resurrection , a dwelling place , where I dwell with the days of resurrection , with the mystery of My being in the humble man . Blessed is the body , whose mind and heart does not make him into a dwelling place for demons , for man mocks his body , and every man blames his body when he commits sin . Oh , it is not the body that is guilty ; it is not the body , which commits sin . The body falls a pray to the sin of the mind and heart , for it is written : « For where your treasure is , there your heart will be also ». He , who has Me as his treasure , that one makes room for Me in his body and is free from any sin and lives within the perfect law of freedom . Amen .
And you , children of resurrection , do not stay without resurrection . I come with resurrection over you . Receive and give to those who are destitute of resurrection , and I will pour out a double portion on you , and from where you take and give , it will be multiplied to you and will not run dry . But how is this resurrection given ? Here is how : teach those who seek Me to get out of their sin . Amen . He , who does not get out of his sins , cannot receive resurrection . I cannot take image in the one that does not get out from under his sin . Resurrection is My image in man , My holy nature in man . I was tempted in everything , like man has been , yet without sin . Set yourselves , day and night , to a work of resurrection over every soul , which seeks freedom in Christ . It is impossible for the sin to make its nest into the man ’ s body , if the man does not choose it , or if the man does not love it . « If anyone desires to come after Me , let him deny himself »; this is what I said , and I also said that everyone should have his own cross and not follow Me without his cross . I said : If someone comes , let him have life and resurrection , and let him not come after Me without life , without crucifixion and without resurrection .
Oh , loved sons , I wanted to make out of Me and you , out of My work with you , a joy for the people , but the people have their own pleasures , dead pleasures , and false pleasures , sons , but they have no chance of vindicating themselves . I wanted that every man may receive resurrection on seeing you . But you should receive from Me and to be rich in resurrection and to give to those who ask , to those who seek looking at you . He , who has no resurrection , cannot give resurrection . Let everyone who seeks resurrection come to Me and to you , for I give so that you may have it and to be rich and to give to those who are poor of resurrection . « For to everyone who has will be given , and he will have abundance , but from him who has not , even that which he has will be taken away », as this is written .
Sons , teach from Me all those who look for Me , to get out from under the sin , so that I may take image in the one who seeks Me , after the truth , My life in him . Set yourselves to watching day and night over those who seek the kingdom of the heavens , and tell them that if the vine does not bear fruit , is cut out and thrown into the fire . The Lord ’ s vine is that which bears fruit for the Lord , for the fulfillment of the Scriptures of the Lord ’ s Day . Let no one live for his own self , but for the Lord , and let him not come near otherwise to be with the Lord , for it is not possible this way . Lift up all those who are being born of the word of this work , and lift them up above their own bodies . Let the mind and the heart of the man not be in the body , but in the spirit ; a heavenly spirit , not a human spirit . Blessed is the body whose mind and whose heart do not make it into a dwelling place for the demons , a dwelling place for the sins , for sin is a demon , and the man ’ s body falls a pray to the sins of the man ’ s heart and mind .
Sons , who are resurrected , the mystery of My being in man is the food , which I , the Lord , have been giving you for such a long time ; it is the food of resurrection , the food by which the man comes to life and grows in resurrection until My coming . I bless you with resurrection