The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 20

Resurrection of the dead
I come from heaven on the earth with a feast of salvation , with a feast of resurrection . I , Myself , declare the word of greeting upon you : Christ is risen ! Christ is risen ! Christ is risen !” I announce Myself over you . I celebrate Myself among you and I am your feast and I am your resurrection . Amen .
Open the gates between heaven and earth ! Open so that I may enter ! I am the King of glory and power in heaven and on earth . Amen . Strengthen yourselves , gates , so that I may come in and out ; to come out and to come in . I , Myself , open the gates announcing Myself at the gates ; I , Myself , because I , Myself , took away the stone from My grave that was watched by the Jews . On the first day of the week , My disciples , who had not understood the Scriptures by that time , and that I had to come out of the dead , saw My grave opened and the shrouds and the linen cloths that were on My head and body lying there in the grave ; they saw and believed . Peter and John were told by Mary Magdalene early in the morning . She came to My grave early in the morning , while it was still dark , and saw that the stone was moved away from the grave and went to Peter and John and told them that I was taken out of the grave . My angels confirmed the news of resurrection , and I , the resurrected One , stood up to be seen by My prude and I told her : « Mary go to My brothers and tell them that I am ascending to My Father and your Father , to My God and your God and in the evening I will be coming and appearing to them in Galilee . They should go there ». And they went in Galilee and locked themselves in for fear of the Jews , and suddenly I stood in their midst and I said to them : « Peace to you !» And their eyes were opened and saw Me resurrected and I showed them My hands and My side to make them glad that I was , and I told them : « Peace to you ! As the Father has sent Me , I am sending you . Receive the Holy Spirit !» Amen . And then I disappeared from their sight , and they told one another about Me that I was resurrected and that I was alive forever and ever . Amen .
After two thousand years since My resurrection from the dead , I , Myself , am declaring again this word : Peace to you ! To you , those from today , who are announcing Me that I have come from the Father to you , for you and for those who believe like you in My coming after two thousand years . But who is the one that understands the Scriptures of My coming , for My disciples of that time understood the Scriptures , which proclaimed ahead of time that I would come on earth and I would suffer crucifixion and death , and then I would rise from the dead and be with them to the end of the time ? Blessed is he who believes like them , and like you , that I am to the end of the time , for believing , that one comes out from the dead , he comes out from the sins and becomes a son of resurrection .
I want to tell you what resurrection means . I come down to you through the gates early in the morning . I , Myself , open the gates for Me , announcing Myself at the gates . Amen . After I rose from the dead I did no longer die , sons from the gates . This means resurrection . After Lazarus was raised from the dead , he did no longer die , and has had Me in him forever and ever . This means resurrection . Those who became holy , by faith and love of God , remained holy and never died , and they rose from the dead . This means resurrection . The one , who rises and never dies , is a son of resurrection , the son of the eternal life . Amen . Oh , children of My resurrection , I want to speak over you the mystery of resurrection , and you should preach about this mystery over all the nations on the earth , so that they may understand this mystery . Those , who will her and come to life , will be alive , and those , who will hear and will not come to life , will be dead . Soon , soon , the joy of life will be with those that rose from the dead , and it will be upon them , for the seal of resurrection and My glory will shine on them , the glory of resurrection , for the resurrection in man glorifies him with great glory , as the power of My resurrection from the dead glorified Me , when the angels from heaven came and said to