The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 16

Resurrection of the dead
I will put you face to face with Elijah , the prophet , as the beginning is joining with the end ; the first ones are joined to the last ones , and we all will be one body . Amen . ( See the selection topic : „ Enoch and Elijah 17 ”, r . n .)
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Elijah , the prophet , from 02-08- 1995 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Oh , people of the Word ; oh , church of Jesus Christ , Jerusalem , New Jerusalem , made out by God ! Take son and eat the word , as the church from the world went to sleep , and it does no longer wake up to eat . The church sleeps is own sleep , and it does not wake up from its sleep . I woke it up to hear My word , and then it went to bed again , and it does not wake up to stand before Me . He , who serves the sin , does not understand God ; he has sin as his father ; he has no time for God . But the man who fulfills God ’ s commandments , has knowledge , has a sober spirit and it is a son of love , a son of God , as it is written into the Scriptures : « But as many as received Him , to them He gave the right to become God ’ s children , to those who believe in His name ; who were born not of blood , nor of the will of the flesh , nor of the will of man , but of God ».
Love comes down from heaven on earth . The love became word and is laying down on Romania . Peace to you , Romania , as you have the people of My word in you ! Peace to you , as I want dress you like a bride and to give you birth from heaven and to be My bride ; ( See the selection topic : „ The Wedding of the Lamb 18 ”, r . n .) to make you virgin and to make you eternal ; to give you the gifts that the man lost at the beginning . When Adam had a new son in the place of the murdered one , he said : « Behold son , in my own likeness and after my own image » and from that son the man has multiplied on the earth in Adam ’ s image and after his likeness , as it is written . Adam was created by God in God ’ s image and after His likeness , but when the man was born again of the man , he was in Adam ’ s image and after his likeness . The man born of the sins must let himself be born from heaven , from God , from God ’ s love for the man .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Assumption , from 28-08-1995 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Oh , sons from the manger , breathe over the people to rise , as the people are dry bones , as it is written into the prophets . Breathe , so that the people may be brought to life . Breathe My word over the people , so that they may come to life , for the resurrection is the Lord , the One born into the people , the mysterious word , which comes from above and gives birth to the man from above , birth from the Word , which gives eternal life for the man .
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