The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 14

Resurrection of the dead
put back to their places those that were shaken , and the putting back of those shaken will be felt . I spoke by the mouth of My apostle in My garden which declares upon you the word coming down from heaven , I spoke by his little mouth before you , and I spoke by the Holy Spirit , by a speech of the Holy Spirit ; I spoke that the greatest miracle that I did by this work coming down from heaven is the miracle of the new man , who lives according to God ’ s word , who moves within the word declared by God , who receives God ’ s image and likeness by the word and by living according to the word , the same way I made the man from the beginning . The same way you too , My child that are born by My word , which came down from heaven to you . Here is a birth from above , a birth by the word . Oh , what a miracle I worked out in you , Israel ! That is why I kneaded this wok and this people , so that I may give birth in him sons from above , as I was . I was born by the word from the heaven . How sons , how by the word ?
My people , do not murmur , you who have got used to pierce and tease Me , and do not stumble , you , who wonder about those that surround you and which are born out of the man ’ s science , the stolen science by disobedience , by theft , Israel . I made you a network to catch fish , but the network is cast into the sea ; it is cast into the sea . My people , I took you out of the middle of the man ’ s age ; I took you out from the people to be a field and a people for Me , as I took Abraham out of those with confusion of the languages , and I gave you birth by the word , as I was born by the word . I was born from heaven and earth by the word . How , son ? But you know how . The word came from heaven by the prophets , and then by the angel of the good news , and the word was fulfilled ; it became flesh in My Mother , the Virgin , who believed into God ’ s word , into the prophets and into the messengers of the heaven , and I became flesh and I was born in an age . And I gave you birth Israel the same way . I had the word come down from heaven , and My word took you up into heaven , and you believed , and then you were born from heaven by the word , and you became a man of God ; further , you pulled yourself out from numbness and you let yourself worked for resurrection ; however , blessed will be those who had and will have part of the first resurrection , as the second death will have no more power upon them . I gave you birth from the middle of the death of the age , in the middle of the death of the man ’ s age , and I called you My people , Israel , and I called you My son born of heaven ; and little by little , I destroy the age surrounding you , which held you in death , as I took you out of the first death and I made you a son born from above , out of that death that the man calls life . I stayed with you in the midst of the death of the man ’ s age , and little by little , I destroy from your surrounding the science that comes from man ; and further , I make the heaven again , the way I made it from the beginning , but I work through you in the midst of the hell on the earth , in the midst of the beasts on the earth , as I also came on the earth and I had stayed for thirty three years in the midst of the man ’ s science and of its thing . But you should have great patience , as My patience was not over when I passed into those that are not seen , but rather I went forward patiently among those that were born of heaven , among those that are born of heaven .
I do no longer speak with those who went after death , with those who seek after death and after the abomination of sin , as I made a new step ; a passing over Jordan I made , and he , who did not pass , did not pass . I go before and bless Israel that passed and teach him the resurrection and the work of the resurrection . But look , I still have something to say : Israel , do not be afraid of the wolves , which still surround you . Do your work that you have got from Me , as the wolf has in its back the trap that will be caught in , and it will die of hunger on the way . The wolf does not like Me , and it eats nothing from Me , as it does not know to eat like Me . It knows from it , and the wolf that remained hungry will die of hunger . My food fits only for the sons