Resurrection of the dead
The following thematic selections from God ’ s Word will be published immediately after translation :
The End of the world and the Day of the Lord ;
On the same theme from other sources
„ By the resurrection of the flesh do understand the charitable works of true neighborly love . These will be the flesh of the soul and will rise , simultaneously with the soul , on the soul ' s youngest day in the spirit world upon the true trumpet call of this My teaching as a superior ether body destined for eternal life . Even if you had a hundred times carried a body on the earth , you will have only one body in the beyond , namely , the one we have discussed . - Do you now understand this ?”
Peter said , “ Yes , Lord and Master , it is now clearer to me than ever ! But I can still remember a text by a prophet which said something like this : You will meet your God one day in your flesh , therefore keep it pure and do not make it unclean by all sorts of sins ! You will never see the face of God in a sinful body ! That is approximately how the text goes , and it is hard for human reason to interpret it differently . How , then , is this to be understood in its true sense ?”
I said , “ Just like the previous one ! You will never see God in your body , means as much as : In your good works according to the well-known will of God you will see your God , because it is only the works which the soul performs with its body , which has simply been given to it as a tool , which give a soul either honor before God or also the opposite . Pure works give purity , unclean works impurity . Pure thinking in compliance with pure knowledge and otherwise chaste and clean behavior alone without works of neighborly love are by far not sufficient to provide the soul with a spirit body and , therefore , with a contemplation of God .
For he whose soul is still so blind that he fails to understand that it is not just knowledge but chiefly the works done in compliance with pure knowledge and faith that give true permanency to the soul , is still in a pitiful condition and like a man who is quite capable of building a house but cannot decide to set to work , although he has great quantities of the best building