Resurrection of the dead
stories and parables have been written to be followed and told , and that on this land the householders wash their floors in the evening and sweep their porches and gardens so that they may be ready in the morning to receive those who bring alms for those asleep , for the neighboring Christians come with hot food , with polenta , with pilaf , with cabbage , with brown buns , with dishes full of love for those asleep of their people , and put a linen towel on the floor , on the porch or on the cleaner ground of the courtyard , and on the towel they put the alms and the little cup with water and or wine , reclining as in worship to the ground that becomes a table to share the food , they incense the alms sprinkling it with holy water , and then call the host asking him to kneel down in order to receive and thank God . If it rains , the towel is spread on the floor inside the house , and if outside is dry and sunny , they set the towel on the porch or on clean ground and it is shared for those asleep and then they give a lighted candle to everyone in the house .
After the houses receive the alms , they go to the church with baskets of buns , with
koliva 59 and apples , with great care for this preparation , oh , and there is joy and resurrection in the world of the sleeping , who are waiting , and this expectation is known to those who are alive and prepare to meet their loved ones , who are waiting .
The villages of the holy exhortation of Moldova , their holy language , ( Both in the Romanian language , r . n .), the beautiful customs for heaven , the piety with which these are worked , bring before Me this dear land , and My work with you is beautiful , sons , and you should be the beautiful ones for the beautiful thing .
Oh , how peaceful , how gentle and full of love and gentleness from heaven are those who prepare the table and alms for those asleep , who wait all the time for them ! Oh , how warm in the heart and in the word must be