The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 122

Resurrection of the dead
something untrue in everything that I , the Lord , come and fulfill on earth according to the map , according to the written Scriptures , and which wait for their fulfillment .
Sons , sons , I am He Who always baptizes you in My word . Stay with it in your bosom . Gather it at your bosom as something you love and carry . The word of My mouth is a sea of word over the earth , and behold the place where it springs from , and you have heard , you have believed and understood , sons , and you have become My joy in this time and the heavenly armies rejoice that the Lord has found faith on earth to come , to speak , and to be heard His speaking , of which those from the tombs eat very much , as it is written , oh , and the great day is coming soon , for there will be heard far and wide their confession , My voice of today for the living and for those who sleep in their flesh in the earth , waiting for the day when they will stand up with a new body and to confess the One Who brings them to life at His word over the earth . I am with a feast of Epiphany for them on this day too , for when they are remembered by My speaking , they have already arrived there where I am with those who are My people , with My voice upon them .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of Epiphany , from 19-01-2018 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Sons , sons , prepare a table of love ; prepare it in haste , as the brothers who have steadfast love are coming together . May it be blessed your love for the tabernacle that you have to prepare beautifully to meet the brothers that are coming to the Lord again and again ! Oh , prepare the Lord ’ s table with them . There are coming guests from above and from below , and there will be at the table here those who have been waiting for the great resurrection , sons , and you should wake up early in the morning on that day and bring their memorial before Me , as they are coming here to see their relatives on earth gathered at the same table , the table of the Lord with the saints and with you , and with them too , those who are remembered for the great resurrection , sons . The food on that day , as in all the days in which the brothers are coming together in Christ at the table , oh , let that what you put on the table not mean food , but let it mean the assembly for holy love , to which love is added , food with love , sons .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover , of the saint apostle Thomas , from 15-04-2018
It is a day with abundant teaching , sons . However now , peace to you , and may you have a table of blessing among you , and let it bring forth holy growth for you !
We are here at the table with you , and many , many guests are here , too , as those who wait for the great resurrection have been invited and they are looking in amazement at My days with you and they take their comfort from them .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover , of the Prudes , from 22-04-2018 .
Oh , give yourselves to healing so that you may not remain sick ! Do not stay with death in you pretending that you do not know it . Oh , hear My voice so that you may be alive , not dead , as many of you do not listen beautifully to My will in you . Lazarus listened to Me and got up at My calling , after he fell asleep and stayed four days asleep . However , he was asleep , and I only woke him up , and at My voice his blood melted and warmed up and immediately he