Resurrection of the dead
it and under it , and the cross is resurrection , and there is no other cross but on My way with Me , and there is no paid sufferance but only on My way . Amen .
Oh , for two thousand years the man has not known to spend according to My pleasure the feast of My resurrection . Man does not deserve joy because he sins . You should learn , man . You do not know to spend to My joy and not yours the memorial of My resurrection . Oh , you need heavenly humility , not humanly , and you need love for your humility , and this is how you should know to spend the feast of My resurrection . Remember the sinners that were dragging after Me to give them healing and salvation from the cross of their lives , for they were following Me with faith and humility and they were crying and praying with humility that I might do good to them , as you should also have to do on My way , and I was doing good to
them as they were asking Me with humility . Oh , here it is why you are not healed and why you do not receive when you ask ! You do not ask with humility and with a promise for your way with Me then . Oh , you are not worthy , because you are a sinner , because sin prevails against you , and I cannot win to save you from sin if you do not want . Do not wonder why you do not receive healing when you ask it from Me , if you do not know to remain then in humility on the side of the resurrection . Oh , I was God from God when I came on earth among people , and I was praying with humility as the Son of the Father in all My hardships , and when it was about to die in order to be resurrected after three days , I was afraid of the hard hour and I prayed with humility to the Father : « Father , if it is possible , let this cup pass away from Me ; nevertheless , not what I desire , but what You desire ». ( Matt : 26 / 39 ) My humility was My prayer , and My prayer was My humility , and in this way I stood before the Father Sabaoth and I did not stand as I wanted but as He wanted , and I became the Teacher in all the things for you , man , and I have shown you how to be and how to do and how to stand before God , for you are a sinner and you need great , great humility to die to sin and then to come to life and be on My side afterwards , in order that I may help you from then on according to justice , and then My help to bring forth heavenly fruit for you . There are seven thousand years since the man has done the evil both openly and secretly , but his habit is to do evil secretly . Oh , he who loves himself hides because of the evil that he commits , and especially the one known to be on My way with the man does this . He who looks to commit evil out of the spirit of his self-love , breaking the commandments of life , that one hides from the One Who sees him and can stop him from doing the evil that he wants or can do , and when he finds an occasion , then he commits the evil in secret and he writes himself with it before God .
Look into the Scriptures , oh , sons of men , for if you do not listen like that , you will be lied with every passing day , more and more , for those who rule over you do not love God , for they shepherd you for them and not for Me , and they draw you to them . Oh , go to them and ask them to show to you the Lord with them , but do not be deceived by them ! Also come to Me , and I will show you the word of salvation from sin and I will lead you to a holy life , as My life is , and I will appear within you during this way , and they will be hated by everyone because of My life in you , for My name , which you will be worthy to really bear on earth , and you will be My disciples , as those two thousand years ago , to whom I spoke : « You will be hated by all for My name , but not a single hair of your head will perish ».