The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 104

Resurrection of the dead
and life of My life upon it , and those from heaven serve upon it and with it , and he who does not believe this , then let him not believe , and again , those who believe , let them be blessed by Me for their faith , for it will bring forth fruit from heaven upon them . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the holy apostles Peter and Paul , from 12- 07-2009 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
… Mark My spoken word , you , those in the gates , ( Gates - those by whom the Lord speaks , the Lord comes as word , r . n .) to be into the book for the feast of today ! There is a feast of joy and pain among those in heaven , as this is how the feasts in heaven are , because of the lack of faith on earth and people who do not know to love the Lord and then to be firm in their work with Him . I am coming down into the book in this day to get comforted from My pain and to tell the devil that I am God ’ s Lamb , He Who powerfully overcame death two thousand years ago and He Who is overcoming now , for the whole power has been given to Me in heaven and on earth , and the devil will be overcome , even if he resists My power when he fights against My chosen ones to make them unstable , to shake them from their way , as it is written for him to do , standing against Me . However , I will no longer be slow in coming and I will cleanse My way and make a way glorified to people and I will open their eyes to see My glory , as it is God ’ s Lamb ’ s victorious time and of His word giving of life on earth , and all , all will come to life , when death will no longer be , and when resurrection will be . Amen .
I am bringing to My comfort and to the comfort of all heavenly hosts of saints and angels , I am bringing that day into view when I and they were comforted on earth among the faithful ones , through whom I could set the first stone of the renewed church by My word spoken upon it now , at the end of the time , when people have spoiled My orders completely , and I had to come to work and to save those that were about to be spoiled by people . On that day , I have established and strengthened My church , and since then I have been at its helm and I am its Bishop , according to the order of Melchizedek , and I have an establishment in it and work by it , as I worked and I start working again to plant new sprouts , sons working from place to place and a holy people , as I am . It was hard for Me on that time when I empowered My disciples to found and to strengthen My church , as the opposition of the rulers of that time was great , and the persecution of the Christians reached everywhere , and My church lived in secret and its power was not dead , and the those faithful people were multiplying . Oh , it is very hard for Me now when the devil is hidden under a garment of a saint and he tries to put down those that I have chosen for My today ’ s glory ! However , I am the Sower and I have always sowed My seed and I find good ground in My way , not only rocky ground , not only with thorns , not only trampled down soil , and I raise sons and I do not lose for I am God ’ s Lamb , and it is written to be the Victor . Still , it hurts Me and I suffer with the entire heaven when I see that those who pull out of My arm go to disobedience and do not calculate that once with them an entire nation shakes before Me , their people fallen asleep and that which is after the flesh , because I , the Lord , when I want to plant a little seedling in My fruitful garden , I do this not for that one but I do it in order to save one nation from hell and sin , not only one man ; however , if this one goes to disobedience he brings about tears and sufferance over many , not only on himself , for this is how it is with God ; it is not as with men , and this is how I have set this work on earth and not otherwise , when I set it to the salvation or to the fall of many , as it is written about Me , God ’ s Lamb , that I will be for the raising or to the falling of many , and nothing happens but only as written in the Scriptures , and he who spoils most in this time is disbelief , and disbelief is written as blasphemy , and behold , the greatest sin tries to make many fall , as man has so many sins which he has to take care of , if the sin of blasphemy did not came