The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 100

Resurrection of the dead
will save him , I will save him ! I , the Lord , promised this for a long time and this is what I am going to fulfill now . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday of the Lent , of the holy cross ; the feast of the forty holy martyrs from the lake of Sebaste 47 , from 22-03-2009 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
This speaking of Mine with you is the work of resurrection over man in a day of resurrection feast , My people . The Scriptures speaks in the same way as My speaking of today . If the Scriptures in My time have another way of speaking about Me , let the man tell Me , and I will speak with him then . I am the same now as I was then , just as the man is now as he was then when the Scriptures , between I and man , were written on the earth , between man and I , as it was , so that it could be known afterwards . However , now I write My Scripture of today on the earth in a great secret , for I take care of the work of the Father , of the Son and of the Holy Spirit on earth ; I take great care , for the man is greater than at that time , he is more hidden than then under My name , more fallen from the truth than then , and I leave on the earth the word of My coming today with great care , for today it is hard for God on earth , and the good man does no longer have power for Me with My goodness in him , for the proud man lies in wait in cold blood to wipe off from the earth by his hidden work , God ’ s name and mark from among people , and if he sees that he cannot do it , then he hides even better and more secretly and then he takes out new and old weapons and makes faces to be able to put down even those who are My elected , as it is written that it will be in the time of the end . However , I will cut short these misty days that prevent satan ’ s face from being seen , and I will protect My way to the man and the man ’ s way to Me , only that the man may be clean in his heart and deed , and the man should be like that for him and not for Me , because if the uses his deception once with his walking on his way with Me , then he falls into the darkness with his mind and sight , and his spirit and will get distorted and his faith gets distorted as well , and then I will no longer be pleased with him after that , and I will let him walk as he wants , for there is no more time , and I said this for those who understand and for those who do not understand , because the time is dear , and if it is not redeemed , the man loses his work and his possessions earned in the course of time .
This word of Mine in a day of holy feast , My people , is a word of resurrection , for My speaking is only awakening upon you and upon man , over the faithful ones and over the unfaithful ones who are in you , My people , and then over the people with its trumpet sound . My word is the joy of those in heaven and those in hell , for the dead hear My word better and more truly . The man ’ s body makes his sight confused for everything , good and evil , between earth and heaven , but those who have put off their temporary flesh , they see , they are those who see after that , to their joy or to their pain , and happy and happy again are those on whom I , the Lord , have mercy among these , just as I had mercy on the one with a good soul in his time on the earth near My work , and whom the weaknesses of his fallen nature put him into bondage , as it was the fall of the first man built at the beginning of the creation .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord ’ s Resurrection , from 19-04-2009 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
47 https :// en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Forty _ Martyrs _ of _ Sebaste