The Word of God about the kingdom of one thousand The Word of God about the kingdom of one thousand | Page 7

The Kingdom of One Thousand Years one up; to wake Romania up, as it is for this that I passed you by this school, so that you may walk with Me when I call you to go. Walk with Me; at least walk a mile if you do not want to go two, for I take you then into My back on the way of the morning announcement. Go, as look, I give you the blessing to go, so that I may call you at the feast of the heaven on earth. Behold, I call out upon Roma- nia; I call out to wake her up, and you should not stay with your hands into the pockets; do no longer stay like this. Is it not the nature itself that teaches you how ugly it is for a man to stay with his hands into his pockets? But it is bad for the Christian; it is indecent for the Christian when talking with another one to keep his hands into his pockets. The Christian that is pleased by the heaven should not have any pockets on his coat, for if it has, he puts his hand into it and stands with this hands into his pockets; and satan fills Me badly with pain, for satan rejoices over the Christian who stands in this unbecom- ing posture. The Christian that is ful- filled in his staying with God needs to have his little bag around his neck or at his chest, so that he may not be idle with his hands. The Christian needs to wear decent clothing, covered by a heavenly and not an earthly glory. If I told him Romanian popular costume how to wear his coat, I would be blas- phemed by the Christian. But to you, those that believe in My coming back, I tell you: “Do not use your pockets any more, and rather cover the appearance of your body with a coat; with a coat of a Christian and not with a coat of a pagan. The time is coming for you to have a pleasant appearance of Christian. Make your little clothing with your own hands and let them fit you well and pleasantly, as it is the time for you to get out of the world with your appearance as well. Be distinguished, so that the world may know My Christian after the outside garment as well.” (See the Romanian popular costume, r.n.) Christian, do no longer wear soft and thin clothing. Not this way, son. Until when so? I want you to be distinguished in the middle of those with a pagan life. The old Christians of your kinsmen had humble clothing, which covered the indecency of the body. Oh, I could not tell you that I did not like the cover of your body, Christian. You did not have love so that you may be and look humble in the midst of the people. You would have had more power in front of death, but you did not love life either. Oh, what kind of coat I would like you to have on! But I could not come upon you with this holy and decent law and you were not distinguished from the world this way too. And if I asked you now to be decent with your Christian clothing, you would say that you do not have money; this is what you would say, and you will say. But it is not so, Christian; do no longer stay like this; do not keep your hands in your pocket from now 7