The Word of God about the kingdom of one thousand The Word of God about the kingdom of one thousand | Page 19
The Kingdom of One Thousand Years
6 Such a better time will last for a thousand and some several years and will similar
to the current form of this earth, which now, only plagued by a few storms, is in a certain calm
and order full of lush and fruit rich regions, but nevertheless has alongside it by far more unfer-
tile and very stormy regions than calm and fertile regions, - apart from the great world sea.
7 However, after such more than a thousand years of time, the earth will again
have to endure a great fire trial. During such time the mountains on this earth will turn into
level and fertile lands, and the sea will have to give up manifold the dead land which still lies
buried in its deep, and the better people will take ownership of it and turn it into Eden. After-
wards, until the total dissolving of the whole earth, true peace will rule and death will
never again has his right.
8 But just as the mountains of the earth will become equal to the level land, also the
people will have to completely down their haughtiness through hard trials, otherwise it can
never come to a true, inner peace among the people of this earth. Since war is only born by
haughtiness; if haughtiness ends, also envy, jealousy, stinginess, hatred, strife and with it all
quarrels, arguments, struggles and wars end.
9 And as such this now so famous and nearly oldest city, of which already the great king
of Salem has laid the foundation for its walls, will now, as a mountain of haughtiness, morally
and physically be degraded and made equal to the level land, and it will happen with it like with
an old, very high cedar tree, which, since it became dry, rotten and dead, will be broken off at
its rotten roots by a storm, then the loggers will saw it up and chop it up with an ax after which
it will be burnt in the fire.
10 With the tree it was caused by its nature, with the people however it is caused by
their evil will, which does not want to submit to even the most wise laws, just as once the
Hanochites through their unrestrained disobedience, brought the Deluge over themselves, in
which they all badly perished. How many thousand times were they warned by Me through
many seers, to leave the mountains alone! Only, nobody of them paid any attention to it. They
ate, drank, indulged and sinned in all possible manner, they flirted and held large wedding ban-
quets, until the flood surrounded them form all sides and drowned all of them. The same will
take place here.
11 This exceedingly haughty snake brood will in time in their blindness and their power-
mania raise above the Romans to drive them out of the this country. And this will be the end.
The general and later on also emperor is already born, which will destroy this city and its people.
12 And at the end of this world-people period - however, not the end of this earth
- it will happen as follows: Humans will during that same time, rather not level mountains to
the base like the gold and gemstone searching Hanochites did, they will also not be able to
antagonize the Romans anymore, however, they will by means of all kinds of machines
driven by fire power, begin to drive unbelievable deep shafts and holes into the inner of
the earth, whereby the highly flammable gasses push in great masses onto the surface of
the earth. And once the atmospheric air is too much saturated with such gasses, it will
start to ignite almost around the whole earth and burn everything to ashes. Only a few
people will stay alive. However, those who will survive, will be people of the best kind.
They will truly inhabit a totally new earth, and you and many who will come and be awak-
ened after you in My name, will be their teachers and leaders.
13 Only from then on will My kingdom on this earth be fully spread out, and the
people of the sun will with the children of this new earth, step into a full and equal relationship
and grow up in the love of My true children.
14 This, what I now have told you, keep for yourself; since in this time it would be not
useful to anybody's salvation, if he knew about it in all clarity. At the right time I Myself will