The Word of God about the heaven – the throne, the The Word of God about the heaven – the throne, the | Page 9

The heaven – the throne , the earth – the footstool , the man deified
sins of the world , and out of the flesh of this virgin , the Son of Man , Who was the Son of God , was kneaded . She brought Me up and stayed under My shadow ; and she stayed at My feet , to serve her God . This little child is a mystery . This mystery went with her entire body into the heavenly ones , into those that are not seen , as those that are from heaven are those that are not seen . The heaven begins from the earth upwards . The void in which the man is included , the nonentity that cannot be grasped by hand , that is , the being of the heaven , which surrounds the man . The man is embraced by heaven , but the man has not got this wisdom . Sons , sons , this is what I said : « The heaven is My throne , and the earth is My footstool ». The man is included in heaven , and the heaven is My throne . The man ’ s body has the form that I , the Lord , gave to Adam , the first man . And the man took his body , and the end of the body came also from Adam . The man receives his birth of above from Christ , a heavenly birth , and he also receives an immortal body from Christ , with which he will inherit forever .
The mystery of a prophet is a great mystery , but what does the man know ? The man believes that prophet means a way of gaining praise , of gaining wealth . The man believes what he believes , but he does not know what he has to believe and work . My mother Virgin did not pose as a prophet ; she did not exalt herself to demand honor among the people . She was humble and clean in heart and deed , and her gift was the love of God . But the earth is full of people , who pose as people of heavenly gifts . People that serve idols pose as people with heavenly gifts , and people stay in a row to come in to them . Frivolous men and women come at the gate of My manger to show their gifts ; people that do not look for teaching anywhere . They come here to teach those that are Mine also , but I am here with the spring of the gifts . Oh , sons , if I guide the man to the spring of the gifts , even if I guide him by a gift of a guide up here , from now on he should drink of the spring , as he does no longer need a guide if he found what he was looking for . And if he did not find , one like that does not know what he is looking for , if he does not know how to find and value and how to humble himself before God , the Spring . My mother , the Virgin , was lying down at My feet and was praying to Me to do well to the poor and downcast , to those who walk through the darkness , and I was her gift . She , with her love , gives light to the darkness of the man ’ s life in the world , as the world does not have any path ; the world has changing paths . My mother , the Virgin , called herself the Lord ’ s servant , and God called mistress , the one that named herself servant . Why is it said that she is the mistress of the heaven ? Because she ruled the heaven and did not turn it into a body . She kept her body God ’ s heaven and throne , as the heaven is the Lord ’ s throne .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Birth of the Lord ’ s Mother , from 21- 09-1995 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on jumpshare ; on Google Drive )
The Word becomes word into Its book , in the name of the Father , and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit . Amen , amen , amen .
The word is the peace from heaven and from earth , as the peace is from heaven . Pace to the path of My word from heaven to earth ! Peace and faith to you , sons of My people , as My word is not to clarify the human wisdom , and rather it is for the testimony of the Spirit and of the power .
Sons , sons , let your faith be in the power of God , not in the human wisdom . The wisdom is hidden in God ; however , He ordained it before the ages to the glory of those that are perfected , and this age did not know it . That is why the Scriptures say about the things , which an eye did not see and did not enter into the heart of man , that God prepared to those who love Him . And