The Word of God about the heaven – the throne, the The Word of God about the heaven – the throne, the | Page 51

The heaven – the throne , the earth – the footstool , the man deified
1 Now Murel asks Mathael the same , and he says , " What Moses says about the creation has actually nothing to do with the creation of the world , but instead only with the formation of man from the cradle until his perfection ; thus also the foundation of the church of God on Earth until these days is insinuated right on until the end of the world .
2 By „ heaven and Earth ” we are to understand the new Earthly human right from his birth onwards . The „ heaven ” describes his inner , hidden , spiritual capabilities , and the empty and void „ Earth ” describes the newly-created man , who is hardly aware of his own existence - the first stage of a human .
3 With time the child reaches self-awareness and begins to dream and to think . That is the „ Let there be light ” in the human , so that he knows that he exists - the second stage .
4 And so it goes through all the other days of creation until the rest of the completion of man ! Tell me whether you are beginning to understand any of that !"
5 Murel says quite amazed about the biblical wisdom of Mathael , " No , high friend , this wisdom I would never have sought ! Ah , in this way that I now recognize to be the only correct one , I would like to have the whole Scriptures explained to me ! Yes , there is a lot there until the human soul has reached this depth of wisdom ! But how did you get to it all ?"
6 Mathael says , " My friend Murel , there is no question of that any longer in this spot where we are now ! The Lord among us - here an angel from heaven who was sure witness of all material creation ! I myself was already a scribe from my youth in the temple , from which reason I was sent as an apostle to the Samaritans ; but before I could yet speak a word with the Samaritans , Jehovah thwarted my plans : I ended up among terrible bandits and had to become a terrible bandit myself in order to survive .
7 But since I saw myself as left alone so powerfully by God , without being able to find a reason for it myself , it annoyed me very much . I became an unbeliever in the beginning , all the Scriptures became for me the work of man ; but I was soon taught otherwise through a strange occurrence .
8 A man full of bitter seriousness came to me one night as I kept watch alone before the horrid den of thieves . I instantly went through him with my sword . But he said : make no effort with your pitiful weapon ; for no mortal ' s weapon ever kills an immortal spirit ! I am the spirit of Abraham and I ask you why you want to leave God and persecute His name !
9 I , Mathael , said then , full of anger : Why did God persecute me first , since I was sent in His name to the Samaritans in order to win them all for the temple !? My intention was honest and fair before God and before all men , because it was honest and fair in my thoughts . God has since the beginning of my existence given me only my conscience as judge , and I lived justly before this inner strict judge . I myself did not send myself to the Samaritans , but instead the high priest as the representative of Aaron and Moses .
10 Was it unjust that I was sent to the Samaritans , then God ' s wisdom would not have needed to chastise me , but only he who sent me ; but since they seized me , the innocent one , I am from this moment on an enemy of Jehovah , whose apostle you seem to be to me !
11 Then the spirit spoke , looking even bitterer : Do you know the power and anger of God ? How will you , powerless worm of the dust , defy the all-powerful God ?! Can His power then not seize you and destroy you in a pitiful way as if you had never been there ?!
12 I said , " It can certainly do that ; for I can only eternally curse such an existence as I now have ! If I no longer exist then my just anger and fierceness against it has an eternal end !
13 The bitter , serious spirit said however : You cannot order God to destroy you ! He can torture you , eternally , with the most terrible pain and anguish , and it would then be seen how long you would offer defiance to the all-mighty power of God !
14 Then I said full of glowing anger : God can do that if it gives Him a particular pleasure to torture a creature simply in order to show it His omnipotence ! But I swear to you , you bitter