The Word of God about the heaven – the throne, the The Word of God about the heaven – the throne, the | Page 48

The heaven – the throne , the earth – the footstool , the man deified
seven thousand years because of his lack of wisdom . I have given My body and blood to man as food , and especially for the forgiveness of his sins , and I suffer when man seeks after bodies of meat and when he does not seek Me as his food ; however , man needs faith to believe that I am the bread and wine , that My body and blood means these .
Oh , sons , he who remains a Jew eats the flesh of a lamb , he eats meat , but he who wants to be Christ eats from his mother , from Christ ; he eats My Last Supper and redeems his blood , his soul , sons .
I made man out of dust and I could do this . I made out of God ’ s Son bread and wine , God ’ s flesh and blood as food , and I could do this , and I did this for man in order that man may never be separated from Me up to the end , and I to be together with him forever , and that animals and birds may no longer be slaughtered for human consumption , because man did evil when killed a man , the killing of his own brother , sons ; nevertheless , people have been born of the one who killed , and since then a cry in a loud voice has been heard in heaven , the voice of those who have been killed for the Lord : « They cried with a loud voice , saying , “ How long , holy and true Master , until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth ?” » ( See Apoc : 6 / 9-10 ) And they were told that « A long white robe was given to each of them . They were told to rest for a while longer , until their fellow-servants and brethren ( who would also be killed as they were ) should complete their number ». ( See Apoc : 6 / 11 )
Oh , sons , I would like very much to eat My Passover with man , as I have longed for it ! I would like every man to receive the obedience from paradise , as the saints of the heaven have . Oh , what shall I do for the wisdom and this longing to come over man , sons ? Man , poor of him , does not know how he is supposed to be , even if he hears and reads the word of My mouth , with which I am coming now and getting into his way to prepare him and to give him a little white robe of linen as I gave to My saints .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after the Holy Passover , of the Prudes , from 12-05-2019 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on jumpshare ; on Google Drive ) ***
In a day of the feast in heaven and on earth for My apostles and for their chiefs , I am embracing you within the spirit of consolation , you , those who have received My word and its course from margins to margins , sons who stand before Me and support My coming full of longing , to come and to make the new world , the new heaven and the new earth , after I had lost My consolation for which I was working and comforting Myself , and then I promised that I would work again , that I would do the new work of creation , and that it would be the comfort for those who had comforted Me between the beginning and the end , after I had no comfort at all , but only suffering , oh , because My Spirit has always cried ; My Spirit cried and cries because of the lack of comfort and I have nothing to comfort Him with , and all things mourn and wait for My coming , to make the world again , a new one , to renew everything , to make a new heaven and a new earth , to I give them all to those who have comforted Me in My pains over time , and to whom I promised that I would bring them to the reward of the comfort .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Apostles , Peter and Paul , from 12-07-2020 .
Sons , sons , We are writing into My today ’ s book , the book that I am writing on earth during this time through you , who are receiving My coming and its word . We are marking this