The heaven – the throne , the earth – the footstool , the man deified
said that he who has seen Me has seen the Father . This is the mystery of the one who is in God and with God truly , in such a way that if one like this looks into the mirror he has to see the Lord and not himself ; he should not see himself as man sees himself in the mirror , and only in this way man might come to know his divinity , because in order to make man divine , I have come on earth now with this work , and I do this more than I did by this time , that is to work divinity upon man , not man to work for his divinity . ( See the selection topic „
The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility 19 ”, r . n .)
Oh , it is a great mystery ; it is a great mystery that I , the Lord , I am one with man , and man is one with Me . This means that man has to give himself totally to Me in this special time , when I come again on earth as word to build man by the word , and he has to let himself be worked by God , and when he looks into the mirror to see the Lord ; the man who loves God does not see himself .
I have spoken with the sons of My today ’ s people : “ Live the life of a monk , sons !” In this way man can be a son of this people worked by My word on earth now , in the end of the time , when I am coming and speaking over the earth , to make My way and its greatness , to prepare a place for Me , so that where I am Mine to be too , as it is written , and in the place that I have prepared , those who are Mine in heaven are as well , for in Me and with Me are and stay those who are Mine , allowing themselves to be made in My image and after My likeness , for I have power to make man divine .
You , sons , take great care to do task of those who live a monachal life taking it from the world and bringing it to Me to make it divine , but especially seek to deny yourselves always , always , because you do not know when the Lord wants to make you His help in this time of new making , working among you or taking from the middle and sharing to the sides for the Lord to share with His making .
Man is enslaved by sin even from the beginning , when he did no longer want to be with God , but he wanted to be with his own self , poor of him , and behold how dangerous is the lack of self-denial for those who come on the way with the Lord ! Man looks at himself into the mirror and sees himself if he does not give himself over to the Lord completely ; moreover , he even separates himself from the Lord when he looks and sees himself into the mirror . Behold , he struggles hard ; man struggles and works hard to be big on earth among people and to do great things , as he thinks about them . Well , let man fight to become someone big and with his life divine so that when he looks into the mirror to see the Lord and no longer to see himself , and then man is made divine .
Oh , do not lose heart , man ! Do not say that this is not possible . It is possible that you do no longer look at yourself so much , and to look more at Me , at Your Lord , Who teaches you to be eternal like Him . Man will say that he cannot see the Lord if he looks into the mirror . Oh , at least , do not seek to look at yourself anymore if you know that you are not going to listen to the Lord , if the Lord cannot do His work in you as in the vessels useful for Him . You go and buy a vessel to prepare in it what you need . Oh , in the same way I need a vessel to prepare in it those