The heaven – the throne , the earth – the footstool , the man deified
earth , but rather God may renew them and to be a new heaven and earth after that , because man has become corrupt just as food goes bad and then it stinks and gets full of flies and worms and then it becomes dust , where its body came from .
Oh , by great faith , My mother Virgin received Me in her virgin womb and then she delivered Me as a godly Baby to the Jewish people , the people that did not receive Me and which was afraid of My coming on earth , and it has kept its throne on earth up to this day , ( With money , r . n .), and they left Me to the heaven , but behold , the heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool and those who are not faithful do not know this truth , oh , they do not know what they do when they want to erase My trace on earth . Those who were killing the people faithful to Me , calling them sorcerers and deceivers because of the miracles and the signs they were doing by their faith in Me , have made use of their reign . They have used their throne , those who were My enemies from My birth from the mother Virgin and up to My resurrection from the dead , after they gave Me over to be crucified , and up to My last day , when we will sit on the throne of glory for those faithful and unfaithful , as I am sitting now and reigning and fulfilling in this way . Oh , I sit on the throne of word , and the word coming out of My mouth is an iron staff and I shepherd with it those who are faithful and I judge with it those who are not faithful and I fulfill as two thousand years ago the Scriptures of My coming from the Father to man , and My kingdom will have no end , and the kings of the earth have not received My kingdom and I do not have anything their kingdom as well .
Oh , glory to My birth of your virgin body , My mother Virgin ! What beautiful , oh , what beautiful was upon you the message of the angel , when through him , I asked you to be My chosen one , to be My path , mother ! When the angel came to you , while you were in Joseph ’ s house , the son of David , he wished you joy and called you full of grace , full of Me , mother , and he told you : « The Lord is with you . Blessed are you among women . Don ’ t be afraid and do not be troubled by the word of my message . You will conceive in your womb , and bring forth a son and will call His name ‘ Jesus ’. He will be great , and will be called the Son of the Most High . The Lord will give Him the throne of His father , David , and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever . There will be no end to His kingdom , for everything is possible with God ». ( See Luke : 1 / 28-33 ) And you answered the angel and said : « Behold the handmaid of the Lord ; be it to me according to your word ». ( Luke : 1 / 38 ) Then I , by your faith , was seeded into your bosom and I became flesh as a Child , and I was born on earth , and there came at the manger of My birth shepherds and Magi , and the angels coming from heaven sang all that night long on earth and announced Me as born . Then the shepherds related how they came there after the angels told them and saw Me , mother , sleeping in the manger near the cattle , as I wanted to be born on earth as the King of the creature , humble and foreign to all those that belong to the people , but full of spirit and grace and of the word of the man ’ s making , for I grew and the Father glorified Me with My glory from Him , who is not like the glory that come from the people , but it is from the spirit of humility , mother , a spirit which will make any man to be born of God , as I was born of you , true God of true God , for you , mother who became heaven and earth for Me , a new heaven and a new earth made of man , as I want to work this Scripture , fulfilled with those who are faithful , as faithful as you were , and to be able to work now on earth the birth of My word through them , which is My iron rod by which I crush the enemies of My coming and build in their place a faithful people on My way of coming , for the word is My way , and I am its way , mother . And I have faithful sons , who