The Word of God about the heaven – the throne, the The Word of God about the heaven – the throne, the | Page 16

The heaven – the throne , the earth – the footstool , the man deified
Israel , Israel , those that are not seen will soon come into view . My invisible glory is coming near , dear son . You are My glory on the earth , and I want everybody to know and the world to see that you are My glory , son , and let this visible news go to all the margins of the heavens , and let all the nations know that you are My son and that you are ready for celebration before My glory which is coming near over the earth . I come to clothe you with glory in My name , and you should learn well the humility of joy and the joy of humility , lest you forget because of your joy that you should do and be My will before Me . You should teach yourself , Israel , to have a humble thought , holy and well pleased to Me . You should teach yourself to think beautifully and to always have a house in your thought for Me , to be able to rest in you , son from Israel . You should be gentle in your heart , My people , for behold , I do not forget to urge you and to renew you again and again by My word , which gives birth to God in the man , so that the man may be from above , from heaven , and to be from God .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Annunciation , from 07-04-1997 ***
Behold , sons , My path , which was leading the man to Me , became a human path , so that the people might know the path to those , who took My vineyard and house and table and garment and My path to the people , and the people do no longer know the path to the kingdom of God . No one teaches the people the way to the kingdom of God anymore . There is not another way to be crossed by foot and by walking of the body , for the kingdom of God is in man , and the man looks for it outside of him , as this is how the antichrist , who fights to keep his sons in slavery , taught him , and he fights to take the sons of My kingdom into slavery , who do not know from Me the place of My kingdom in man . No one can find the way to the kingdom of heavens , as it cannot be found on the earth . It is written : « The heaven is My throne , and the earth is My footstool », and this is the kingdom and My rest . And what did I make the heaven and the earth for ? Oh , sons , I made them for the man , so that I may be the God of the man , and for him to be a dwelling of My kingdom , to be a throne and a footstool to Me . But the antichrist man teaches his sons otherwise ; he does not teach them as I teach , since his sons look otherwise for the kingdom of God , which is given as a gift and not on money . But today , the churches are ruled by those who stand against Me through the people of the antichrist , and they reached to a means of dishonest gain for the man of the antichrist . Salvation is not bought . It is from God , Who gives Himself to the people to save them and to make them His sons , and the Lord is not a king , who takes tribute from His sons . The buildings of the churches , which do not have Me in them , reached to be a goods store where Chris and His forgiveness and the services dedicated to Christ are sold , and in the place called the Holy of Holies , there where My Body and My word should live , the money slip in , the measure of Caesar , sons . Behold what it is on the earth .
Be full of the Holy Spirit , sons from Jerusalem , and shake from Him over the earth , so that the people may bring forth fruits of Holy Spirit and to come to life . Amen , amen , amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the feast of the Assumption , from 28-08-1997 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on jumpshare ; on Google Drive )
I proclaim the word from the middle of the Romanian people . The Lord , Jesus Christ , goes with a new word over all the nations over the earth . I , the Lord , the One born of the Father before the ages , and of the Virgin , two thousand years ago , and now out of Romania as word ,