The glory of God
grace and truth , and they took from His fullness , and you have also taken , Israel of today , for I have given you to take , to have and to be , My people . The word became flesh two thousand years ago , and behold , the body of the Word is coming and becoming word , for He has prepared His place so that where He becomes flesh for His people , the Lord may also be word .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Cross Ascension , from
My people , I want peace and salvation upon you , and that is why I have always sowed upon you the seed of My word . The sower seeds the word upon you . You are the tree grown of that little seed , which I have sown in you , and out of it a big tree has grown , and in that tree the birds of the sky have made their nests , son Israel . Behold , I am coming with the saints of the sky , I am coming with the spirits of the heaven in you , Israel , to dwell with a feast of celebration in you . I teach you to become an example before the nations , son , to become an example of the kingdom of the heavens , My people , My tree grown out of the seed of My word , My wheat , My people , the fruit of the seed of My word which has fallen on good soil . I am coming with the saints and the angels to you , Israel , to fulfill My Scriptures upon you , and I am coming with them , with their fulfillment upon you ; I am coming to make you a mirror in which the kingdom of the heavens to be seen , in a heavenly glory on your land , Israel , My new land , in which I am coming with a new heaven in a festive feast , a feast of new heaven in a new land in which My justice and My peace dwell .
My people , My beloved people , there is no more time for you to sleep , son , fruit of My word , because those who sleep , sleep at night , and those who get drunk , get drunk at night . However , My people , you should remain My day on earth , the day of the evening time , for it is written that there will no longer be night , and the night will be swallowed by the day , and all will understand My coming , for My coming is My glory , and My glory is My coming , for I am glory . You should understand the mystery of My word , for it is written : « The good soil is those who hear the word of God and understand it and bears fruit and brings forth fruit : some one hundred times as much , some sixty and some thirty », ( Matt : 13 / 23 ), as it is written . You need to bring forth one hundred , son , for one hundred is the whole fruit . The shepherd with one hundred sheep who loses one of them goes and seeks it and brings it back , so that the wholeness of the number may not get lost , the wholeness of the joy , the hundredfold fruit , son , so that you may be My comfort within My coming on earth , to be My house , My inheritance , little son from the end of the time . You should do nothing else but seek to give forth fruit beyond heaven , for I warm you up with the warmth of My word and I enwrap you with the rays of the Holy Spirit to confess the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit in His coming , as it is written that the Lord is coming with His glory .
My people , you should be the God ’ s glory for the coming of the Lord on earth , for it is written that the Lord of the glory is coming , the Lord of Israel is coming , for Israel is the Lord ’ s house , the Lord ’ s kingdom , in which the Lord will come back . Israel , do not give up staying far away from God ’ s kingdom ; do not keep away from the understanding of God ’ s mysteries , Israel . I am the Christ , the Son of God . You should be in Me , Israel , and this is how I should find you always in Me , within My coming , for I am coming to you , Israel ; I am coming because you are My people , you are My inheritance , for I do no longer have any other inheritance on earth ; I do no longer have because the man , deprived of God , has taken it away , and I do no longer have it . The sower sows the word and the word falls down on the ground ; it falls near the road and it falls in the rocky ground ; it falls down in a place with thorns and I do no