The glory of God
accompany You when You come on the clouds of glory , for You raised me from the earth in a chariot of cherubim and in a whirlwind , to come again with You now , when You are coming , and to be Your witness on earth among those with body on earth and in heaven , oh , Lord , but man does not understand the mystery of my coming with You , as he also does not understand the mystery of my coming to You from among the prophets and people then , when You carried me to You on the clouds and in a chariot of fire , when You took me on cherubim , in the chariot of Your glory , the Lord ’ s glory , which the prophet Ezekiel saw and confessed , because You showed it to him so that he might be able to confess it and the man to know how the Lord ’ s glory is and to be faithful for it , for the eye of the faith is sharp enough to see , and the Lord relies on His faithful ones with His works , with His visible and invisible things , as You relied on me in my time on earth with the Israel who forsook You completely ; however , after that Israel kept on forsaking You .
Oh , Lord , You also call Your people of today Israel , as this is how You called the faithful one , the one to whom You revealed Yourself . I want to exhort Your people of today , as it is written about me to work like that before You , but bless my word upon Your people . Amen .
— The Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit are the One Who speaks through you , forerunner prophet of My coming of today , and may your word be blessed over My people . Amen .
… — Oh , people from the spring , you are the first independent citadel of the cities the Lord ’ s people , for you have into your midst God ’ s little garden , and a string of pearls around it , as the Lord prophesied to be fulfilled in this way , and behold , it is being fulfilled and it will be fulfilled . The Lord and I ask you by my word and in my spirit to be strong in your faith and in your steadfastness and to rejoice in all kinds of storms , for the trees that are not blown by the wind do not strengthen their roots , and they are easily uprooted . Oh , do not be afraid while in storms , but rejoice over them instead , for they strengthen your faith , your good power and your golden watch , and not any kind of watch . Oh , you should cry with the Lord and with His saints for the peace and for the spirit of the little garden of His word , for His Spirit protects with great mercy and love His little garden of word , that which is built out of His Spirit to stand before Him , and it will stand , and behold , His word flows upon it and becomes a book and the Lord holds your little hand through it . There is a little more time and the Lord will glorify Himself in seen manner and will show His glory by which He has rested over His little garden of word , and those who have less faith will cry without any comfort and will cry out to the Lord for themselves then . Be strong , be strong and faithful , you , those who take care of the Lord ’ s little garden , for soon , soon , He will give it His glory , and His glory upon it will be to the joy of many of those faithful and steadfast in their faith and in love for His work of today with the man in the midst of His little garden of word , which He has in His care and in His power even from the beginning of the heaven and earth . Be watchmen with a holy watch , you , those who closely watch for the place of the Lord ’ s glory , Who becomes word over the earth , and the Lord will strengthen your faith , your faithfulness and steadfastness , for these gifts are for the Lord ’ s sons , who have to know well what a son of the Lord is and what he does , for His sons are like Him , as I was before Him , full of His pain , always full of His pain because of Israel ’ s departure from Him . Oh , be likewise , be like Him , for He is aggrieved and is suffering deeper and deeper for those who forsake Him for themselves and then they are heading for doubt and unbelief in their self-mind , which settles accounts with itself . Oh , how much sufferance is when the Lord does not have stability in those who have come to be with Him out of their own free will , then when they have come to be His ! Oh , how weak they have made the Lord in them ! Oh , this is what it happens to those who become judges over His things in His place , forgetting that man