The glory of God
of My great victory , for I am the Lamb of God , preached in the Scriptures to come and to overcome the iniquity on the earth and to make a new heaven and a new earth and a new Jerusalem and to make a new man out of man . Amen .
Christ has risen , New Jerusalem !
“ Christ has risen !” I , the Lord , resurrected from the dead , tell every man on the earth , who knows and who does not know , that I am with the glory of My word on the hearth of the Romanian people !
“ Christ has risen !” My mother the Virgin greets the heaven and the earth for My resurrection !
“ Christ has risen !” My male and female disciples call out up there in heaven and down on the earth , for I come with the saints when I come , as it is written for Me to come ! Amen .
Now , I am blessing you , My people of Romanians , for you , sons , are My house of coming and you give Me shelter when I come on earth , and in this tent I am with the people to teach them and to be their God .
Christ has risen , My people of New Jerusalem on the Romanian land ! Peace to you to be My help as I always am your help , always , sons ! Christ has risen and out of your midst , I , the resurrected Lord , teaching , will teach the nations on earth what resurrection is , and many will rise and will meet Me in My coming , and I will give them My glory as I give it to you , My people . Amen , amen , amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover , of the saint apostle Thomas , from
26-04-2009 .
This work of word is the work of the word of the Father , of the Son and of the Holy Spirit . Amen .
I am the Lord Jesus Christ , the Son and the Word of the Father Sabaoth , and I am descending on earth on clouds of word and thousands and thousands of cherubim are carrying Me on to the manger of My word into the midst of the Romanian people , and the Father is in Me , and I am in the Father when I speak in heaven and on earth at the same time , and My voice fills the heaven with glory , and the saints and the angels are nourished with every word that comes out of My mouth . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover , of the prudes , from
03-05-2009 .
Oh , My people , I am descending in the little garden of My word , and I am descending for you , son , and for your pain and Mine , and we give way into the book to My speaking with the saints before you , and you are Our witness and Our comfort in wounds , son . Soon , soon , I will make heavenly signs come down over this little garden and I will comfort Myself from