The glory of God
however , he immediately became more proud when he did no longer feel alone ; he became more haughty than at the time when he spoke to himself that he was great and when he exalted himself above God in his thought , and the angels who were serving him started falling down once with the man ’ s exaltation who fell by haughtiness , and then Your mouth spoke over the angel Michael to command the angels to fear God and to take heed of God and not of man .
Oh , the man had become even haughtier if he saw that was not alone . The first host of angels fell ; they fell down from the honor they had ; they fell once with man ’ s fall who exalted himself above God , and this evil worked by man was called satan and it fell down from heaven together with man , and You , dear Son , stood witness to this sufferance , and You have been standing witness from then until today , My Only Son ! The time was created then and since then We have been suffering in time and the man the same . Now We have come down , in the end of the time , with the glory of Your word on the earth , and You work again the word of man ’ s creation as You did when You spoke to Moses for the people of Israel to make it a kingdom of God . God ’ s kingdom is there where God speaks and where He can work with His power , but the man has always stood against and become haughtier and haughtier in the face of God , as it also was with the people in the time of Moses , to which You had been speaking for more than forty years and into whose midst We had greatly showed Our glory and power spoken by the word to be and to work on sight so that God might have a people among nations .
The greatest enemy in man against Us is not his sin , oh , Son , as painful as I , the Father , am , but his unbelief , for it deprives the man of God . Oh , I sent You back on the earth two thousand years ago and the man ’ s sins did not thwart Your coming or the work of the man ’ s new making , but his unbelief thwarted it , for those full of sins knew You and received You in them and then they had You and showed You to the world by their humility , because a sinner , separated from Us by sin , is more humble than a righteous man who justifies himself before God by the works of his justice and by his serving before Us , dear Son . Two thousand years ago , You took three of Your disciples , whom I revealed to You , so that You might be able to show Your work among people , and went with them up on a high mountain and You allowed them to see the glory You had from Me before the foundation of the world , for Your face and Your clothes shined as the sun and became as white as light , and You appeared with Moses and Elijah and spoke with them before the faithful ones and You talked with them about your passion , which had to take place for the man ’ s redemption , and Peter wanted to tell You to remain in the mountain and he wanted to make three huts ; one for You , one for Moses and one for Elijah , but Your will was to suffer for the man ’ s salvation and then You , by a luminous cloud had shadowed the sight on the mountain , and I , the Father , spoke over them from the cloud and said : « This is My beloved Son , in Whom I am well pleased . Listen to Him ». ( Matt . 17 : 5 ) After You raised them up , in their terror , they saw that only You were among them , and You asked them not to tell anyone of Your glory with them until You rose up by Your resurrection . Oh , dear Son , You showed them the Scriptures of Your coming with Elijah , as it was written into the Scriptures to be , and You made clear the work of John , the Baptist , who had made known at that time to everyone the kingdom of heavens and the people ’ s repentance to God , so that God might be merciful on them . Oh , dear Son , in the same way I have released in this day of feast My voice over the ones faithful to Your work on the earth and over man , and I am speaking to them in the same way and say : This word is My Son , in Whom I am well pleased ; listen to Him ! Amen .