The Word of God about the Glory of God The Word of God about the Glory of God | Seite 24

The glory of God
faithful man who has been following Me , who has been living in Me and I am happy with the man I live in and from whom I shine with My glory and with the word of the glory of My word , for the Word became flesh and dwelt in those who saw My greatness as that of the One born of the Father , full of grace and truth . Amen . Oh , for two thousand years I have become grace and truth in the one who I have been dwelling in and glorifying Myself among the people to make My saints on earth by the work of My glory upon the man . The fire of My glory is not consumed , but rather it is glorified before the man by the work of the grace , as in the days of Moses the burning bush , which I was hiding with My voice in , was not consuming because of the fire in it when I was speaking to Moses , and the word of My mouth was written by fire on the stone , to remain on earth as the commandment of life and full of grace . Amen .
My glory is like fire . My word upon you is fire , sons . Eat it more than bread , and you will feel My burning in you , My mourning , and My pain will suffer in you and you will multiply My grace in you , the life , which suffers in man , and you will seek after My healing . Amen . I have come to throw fire on earth and I wish it were already kindled . ( Luke 12:49 ) ( See the selection topic : „ The apocalyptic fire 18 ”, r . n .) I have made you My anointed ones in these days that I may have work from heaven on earth . Ask with passion , with hearts full of passion and ask for My comfort in man . Work with the spirit and with the power of Elijah , the prophet , and may your faith be blessed , and may it be in you from Me , that I may fulfill through it everything I have to accomplish for the kingdom of the heaven on earth . You should work everything I have told you to do and do not let it unaccomplished , and also you should not work what I have told you not to do , for on earth it is as on earth , and in heaven it is as on heaven , and you should not do the man ’ s will on earth , but you should rather do My will . Amen . If you look on the earth to a big house when it is questioned whether it has worked according to the law on earth , then if the owners of the house do not have any good answers for its entire accomplishment , then they give gifts to those who inquire them about the law requirements , and they grant them a delay for this is how it is on earth . Behold , on earth it is as on earth , and in heaven it is as in heaven , where righteousness and justice are the strong foundations of My throne , and out of My mouth comes fire , which burns everything up on My way before Me , to be in heaven as on earth . Amen .
Elijah , My prophet , is feeding on My glory into your midst , My people . I have built you for My glory , for it is written : « For the Lord has built up Zion . He has appeared in His glory . He has responded to the prayer of the destitute , and has not despised their prayer ». ( Ps : 102 / 16 ) Amen , amen , amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint prophet Elijah , from 02-08-2004 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Oh , children who stay in submission for the coming of My word , I set you as preachers on My behalf over those who want to grow and I teach you this way : subject yourselves to those who are not in submission , for those who do not love do not subject themselves , but I am in you the God of the heavenly wisdom , the God of patience and of comfort , and I will comfort you . Honor the heavenly building over those who do not have the spirit of submission , to heal those who hear My word from you , to heal them from any sign of haughtiness , of self-spirit , children sons , and seek with all diligence that the time for those that are needed to the body
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