The Word of God about the Glory of God The Word of God about the Glory of God | Page 2

The glory of God
Be organized , sons . Do not walk disorderly , as this is what I am going to tell you : the feast will mean your walking from your arrival to your return ; your walking , a holy and spiritual walking through the city of My word , the walking of My people with singing and heavenly order , its walking through the city of My word , the city of the testimony of My word , and then I will give you a new Passover , and I will give you My word . You will give Me hearts full of songs of glory and a praised walking of feast , and the holy heaven and I will walk above and will be together , the heaven and the earth united in a heavenly glory . I will be with tens of thousands of thousands and we will with you , sons of New Jerusalem , and then we will sing the song of resurrection , and all the dead will hear My song with the people waited to appear and to order the dead to come to life . ( See the selection topic : „ The dead hear My voice 4 ”, r . n .) We will sing the songs of resurrection , the songs of New Jerusalem . We will sing God ’ s glory before the crowds . Behold , we will let the crowds know that I celebrate the heavenly feast on earth with My people chosen from the world . Let the crowds come and see God ’ s glory ; let them see the sons of My people , that you , My people , are My glory and that I am glorified within you , that I am being perfected and that I reign by the word , that I will work by the word and all will obey the Word God , Who reigns , for the kingdom is in God ’ s hands . Amen .
Rejoice New Jerusalem and come to Me , for I come to you , son , My people with whom I fulfill the Scriptures of My coming ! Rejoice Jerusalem , little army and sanctified by God ’ s word , and walk , walk beautifully , beautifully ! Those in the front should not walk too fast when those in the back cannot walk quickly . Each one of you should keep in line . No one is supposed to get out of line ; no one of you should walk separately or speak with one another , but only with God , by worshipping singing , by resurrection and victory singing , by playing stringed instruments blessed by God ’ s word . Look at each , keep up with one another beautifully and keep the pleasant order . The heaven walks above you within a great order , and this is how the people accompanied by the holy heaven is supposed to walk .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord ’ s entrance into Jerusalem , the Sunday of the Palms , from 16-04-1995 .
Sons from the garden of My word , behold , sons , I speak with Israel . It is a godly celebration ; it is the feast of the transfiguration of the Lord of Israel . I left the testimony of My face for the glory of the three witnesses chosen from My apostles of that time .
Peace to you , Israel , for you will receive the Lord ’ s victory from the end , as I will show My peace with you to the world . You are My messenger into the world , and that is why I made you and I called you the Lord ’ s people .
Oh , Israel , Israel , what do you say , son ? Did I have that glory only in that day of old ? Oh , son Israel , I have always had that glory , always , all the time of My body , but it was under the cover of the shelter of the sightless man . It is written that the man cannot see My glory and
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