The glory of God
will come and take stone from you for their comfort and they will worship Me in you , My country of love and of wedding . There is no other day more beautiful than the wedding day , and I prepare beautiful days for you , My country , for you shelter in you My bride people . Come close to My bride , My country , and prepare My way to the wedding in you and rejoice , My wedding day ! Any word of Mine will come into being over you , for I am your God and I have the spring of My word in you . I come to unloose your fetters and to be able to walk . Amen . I am the One Who is coming with power and much glory into you , and many people will receive from My glory , and My glory from you will be seen to all the margins , country of the Lord ’ s glory . I come to you to clothe you in glory and the people to see you . You should also come into My glory . Come , for I am coming with glory over you and I will give you My peace . Amen . Excerpt from God ’ s Word at the feast of the Annunciation , from
07-04-1997 .
Oh , My saints in heaven , your mourning for My little garden in Romania is great , as according to My promises , you wait for a new heaven and a new earth , a dwelling of righteousness , but the people in the church on earth stand against Us , as they have got used to the old things because for them the bird in the hand is worth two in the bush , and they do not want to give the spirit of the world for the Holy Spirit . However , I am the Lord , and I will do justice for those who wait for a new heaven and a new earth . Amen .
Behold , I am coming to you , My people , so that the people may hear My word of mourning and the mourning word of the saints .
The saints are crying to Me for you , My little garden , because you are the hope of the heaven so that I may come down on earth , for there is no one on earth to wait for Me to come . No one says anymore : “ Lord , come !”, because no one has got a bridal garment in order to say , “ Lord , come !” Only you , My people , stay dressed as a bride before Me . Stay , watch , and do not be afraid of those who are unfaithful , for I will make them blind as I also gave blindness to the enemy people that were seeking to take Elisha ’ s life , My prophet and Elijah ’ s disciple . And the unfaithful ones will strike one another and My word will shepherd over the earth and you will be My glory , My people , for you are small , but My glory upon you is great and it becomes word , it becomes deed and it becomes joy for you and for many who take of the river of My word and wait for My kingdom , which is coming with Me . The angels seal you with My living seal and you are protected , for you are in My plan for the fulfilling of the Scriptures of My second coming . You are salvation for many , but for those who blaspheme you and give you a bad name , I release My wrath and I will give them signs spoken by My word . Amen .
Excerpt from God ’ s Word at the feast of the holy martyr and healer Panteleimon , from
09-08-1997 .
Get ready for the glory of the Holy Spirit , Jerusalem , for Jerusalem means the glory of the Holy Spirit , and that is why I have given you the name of Jerusalem , My loved people . All of you be one love and one word of Holy Spirit . Be working children , be all , rejoicing the Holy Spirit in you , that the heaven and the earth may see this work waited for ages by all those