The Word of God about the Glory of God The Word of God about the Glory of God | Page 10

The glory of God
Spirit . Amen . And it shall be the Orthodoxy lived by the faithful sons and it shall be My church , as it is , for I am the body and word for My remembrance . I am not only the body in it , but I am also the word , for I am always today .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord ’ s Mother , from 04-12-1996 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Jerusalem , I am coming to you and I am coming with the saints . Amen . Open the books , sons of the manger of My word , for I am becoming word into the book . Stay with the book open before Me , you , and those who open to the Lord to come in . Amen .
It is a time of heavenly weeding on earth with Me and with you , bride Jerusalem . Peace to you ! The Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit lay a table of word in you , and at the table with you are the saints coming with Me , Jerusalem son . The saints are coming to the wedding , son , for the days of the wedding are chained and go beyond time and age , and the wedding of God ’ s Son on earth and in heaven comes into the endless age ; on earth with the saints as in heaven and in heaven with you as on earth , bride people . ( See the selection topic : „ The Wedding of the Lamb 9 ”, r . n .) However , this is what I am telling you : you should not get enchanted with human joy , in the man ’ s joy . You should not mix your joy with My joy , for it is written in the Scriptures : « I will not give My glory to another ». ( Is : 42 / 8 ) And this is how you are to fulfill this word too , and do not give My glory to another , but let it be in you , for it is yours . I have given it to you together with Me and man does not receive Me in him as You have received Me . My glory is My word that catches life in the man ’ s body , for the body is of no use if it is not the temple of the glory of God ’ s Spirit . Do not get lost in the man ’ s joy , son of My glory . Do not give your glory to man ; do not let him step over My glory in you and you should be the word before people , and not people to be the word before you , for you have the glory of My word that teaches you , which breathes into you . Do not become careless in your stature before Me . Do not let yourself be stolen by visible pleasures , by men ’ s joy who bow at My passing with you through the midst of the world , for this is what I told My apostles : « Do not rejoice that the demons are subject to you ; nevertheless , rejoice that your names are written in heaven , in the Book of Life ». ( Luke : 10 / 20 )
Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of Saint John , the Baptist , from 20-01-1997 . ***
Oh , Israel , son who stay under My teaching , open your mind to come to know with it , that I may fill it with the wisdom of My word , son . Before I went back to My Father , no one could ask anything from My Father into My name . First , I came from the Father to people and then I worked miracles as the Son of Man , then I was crucified , and this was a miracle ; and then , I was raised again to life and this was also a miracle , dear son ; then I went back to the Father and this was the greatest of miracles . However , I said that I would work even greater miracles after I would go to be in the Father , and everything I said is true , that the Comforter , My Word from the Father is the greatest miracle from ages .
You are the one who performs miracles greater than any time , My people . You make the Son come down from the Father , the Comforter I promised even when I was in
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