The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 55

He comes with the clouds
15 Said John : " Lord , You my only love , I have understood this well ; since now You have expressed Yourself very clearly , and therefore I could understand it very easily from You ! If the other brothers also have understood all this so well , they of course will know it best for themselves !" 16 Said all , except Judas , that also they had understood everything well . 17 Only this disciple said ( Judas ): " To me , Lord , not everything is clear !" 18 Said I : " If it is clear to the other brothers but not to you , who always knew to boast the most with your mind , go to your brothers and they will explain to you what you did not understand ! However , humility always understands anything quicker than the stubborn , willful arrogance , which , if you still any longer remains with it , will become your devil , your judge and your death . What is it that you have above all the others which makes you think that you are better than they are ?! Humble yourself , so that you can escape from the snares of Satan !"
19 Here Judas turned around and went to Nathaneal , with whom he still harmonized in the best manner , and asked him about this and that which he did not understand , and Nathaneal explained it to him . And when also this disciple was more or less in the clear about the things which I earlier have prophesied to the disciples , he calmed down again and did not asked anything further .
20 One of the Jew-Greeks who were also with Me , said that it perhaps would not cause any harm , if one also told some of it to the other Jews .
21 Said I : " What is necessary they will learn at the right time ; however , they certainly have not to know everything . - But now comes our Lazarus . We will wait for him ! He has spoken a lot with the disguised clerics and we will see what he will tell us ." ( The great Gospel of John - Volume 6 - Jakob Lorber )
- Chapter 48 - About the 1.000-year Kingdom .
1 But you can see now that the sun is already penetrating everything with its light , and you can see the dark troops fleeing in all directions , but not to the place from where the sun is coming . Everything disappears now for its light and sinks into the kingdom of forgetfulness .
2 But look now again , then you can see how out of the little clouds a new Earth is developing . What do those little clouds mean ? Those are the people who have united together who are totally enlightened by the godly truth . And look , now these communities are coming closer and closer to one another and in this way they are forming one great community . That is the new Earth above which a new Heaven is spreading out with full light and clearness .
3 You must however not think that by that this natural Earth will perish and would be changed into a new one , but only the people will create with each other in My name a new spiritual Earth , because they are accepting completely the godly truth as true brothers and sisters .
4 Then I Myself will be and rule on this new Earth among those who are Mine , and they will fellowship with Me and will never more lose sight of Me .
5 But now look in the mean time also to the old Earth . See how from the new Earth more and more dense streams of lights are floating downwards to the old Earth , and so they are igniting it in such a way that it looks like to be in a blaze . There you can see a lot of dead people who are coming as it were out of their graves and are going to the light . See how they soon are clothed with the garment of truth and are then floating upwards to the Kingdom of the new Earth .