The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 53

He comes with the clouds
The following thematic selections from God ’ s Word will be published immediately after translation :
The End of the world and the Day of the Lord ;
On the same theme from other sources
- Chapter 207 -
The Lord ' s contemplations on Jerusalem and on the last days of the earth . The Thousand Year Kingdom and Judgment of Fire .
1 But I fully got up and walked around a little with the disciples . Because of the beautiful view several benches and other seats have been installed . I stopped and sat down . From here one had the best view of Jerusalem .
2 The disciples looked at the beautiful city and John said in a somewhat wistful voice to Me : " Lord , You are my love , isn ' t it forever a pity about this city , that it according to Your announcement will be wretchedly destroyed within the near future ?"
3 Said I : " You , My dear John , has here for this point made quite a suitable remark and also see in My eyes tears . But what can one do more here to prevent it ?! See , for the sake to maintain these walls to destroy all citizens by an angel of death , is surely not something very wise , but rather something very unfortunate ; since there are still living several thousands within these walls , who in time still will believe in Me ! And you see there the seventy and the many toll-collectors including the disguised pharisees and scribes ; they will still today believe in Me fully , and there are still many among the nation , who subsequently will also be converted . Therefore this place should be spared as long as possible from any kind of too great a judgement . However , when all the good little fish has been saved from this pond , and nothing else is left than adders and revolting frogs to swim around , then the time has come to ruin the wretched marsh by fire and earthquakes .
4 O , look at this whole landscape ! How did it looked like ten times thousand times thousand years ago ?! There existed only very little mainland and from these in abundance covered mountains and valleys no trace existed . Only by later subsequent for your mind unthinkable greatest and nearly over the whole earth generally raving fire eruptions lasting for thousands of years , did the earth over time developed to such this landscape .
5 And see , just as the natural formation of the earth progresses , also the spiritual development of man will go forward ! At this point in time the souls of people are still full of raging storms and eruptions of the wildest fires . The wildest passions free themselves and destroy everything in and above themselves . But leave it at that , - since their will come a time , when all such passions will transform into a calm and fertile ground , and only then it will become truly bright and joyful among the people ! However , the truly good and pure people will always be rare in numbers , compared to those who more or less will still be ruled by their world passions .
6 Such a better time will last for a thousand and some several years and will similar to the current form of this earth , which now , only plagued by a few storms , is in a certain calm