The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 42

He comes with the clouds
2010 .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint apostle Andrew , from 13-12- ***
Oh , but how much of My glory is with you on the earth today , My people of today ! How much voice , how much word from heaven is coming down from heaven upon you as at that time over My disciples , who heard the Father ’ s voice speaking from heaven upon them ! The Father teaches you as He taught them at that time , for the Father is He Who has sent Me to you on the earth , and I do not come without His sending .
Oh , My Father and theirs , tell them how much You want Me within them during these days ! Tell them about Your work with Me and about their work with Us ; tell them , Father , as You told My disciples then , tell them from heaven , tell them , Father . Amen .
— This is My beloved Son , in whom I am well pleased into your midst now . Listen to Him ! This is what I , the Father , am telling you now , as I told His disciples two thousand years ago , when My Son , praying to Me before them , standing before His passion between Moses and Elijah in the mountain , and speaking with them about those that were to take place in Jerusalem ; and when the disciples saw this and while they were still speaking with Him , a cloud came and shadowed them , and they were terrified at their getting into the cloud , and then My voice spoke to them from the cloud which covered Me from before their eyes : « This is My beloved Son , in Whom I am well pleased . Listen to Him !» ( Matt : 17 / 1 ) After that , they came out of the cloud .
Oh , sons , the Lord is coming on the cloud to you ; My Son is coming and is covered by the cloud as I , the Father , was covered while I was telling to the three disciples to listen to Him , for I , the Father , was pleased with Him . When God speaks with man , He speaks face to face , but the Lord is covered by a cloud in order that He may speak with the man , because on the day when My Son let His glory be revealed before His disciples , they were completely terrified at His sight and at the sight of the two saints , standing on His left and right side , and then the cloud covered all of them , and I , the Father , told them from the cloud what I had to tell them . I am telling you this mystery so that your little hearts and your faith in My Son ’ s dwelling among you may be moved with joy because of My Son ’ s living into your midst , Who is speaking from the cloud into your midst and Who is giving to you from His mouth . Amen .
Oh , Christians ask themselves how it is this work of the Lord ’ s descent as the food of word on the table of the today ’ s people for every man who wants to take God , the Word , from this table . The Lord is covered by the cloud , and this is how He speaks and works , for this is His work near man , because otherwise man would fall of terror because the Lord is a consuming fire , a dazzling light , by which the Lord is clothed as in a cloud of light . That is why , the work from heaven with man was also with Moses , because man cannot see God ’ s face and stay alive and powerful in his body , and God ’ s servants have known this through all the ages and this is how they have confessed , as the Lord spoke to Moses in the mount of His glory with him , speaking with him from the cloud .
Oh , the work which covers you all from heaven on earth is wonderful , sons ! Rejoice in fear and be full of joy , sons ! Be as gentle and humble as My Son , for He made the man in My image and after My likeness and His ! Now , in the end , be like God and learn from My Son to be gentle and humble in your heart , so that the Lord may be able to work with you on the earth