The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 24

He comes with the clouds
Excerpt from the Word of God on the eve of the Sunday of the prodigal son , from 06- 02-1999 .
I am , sons . I am the Lord . Open to the Lord ! Amen , amen , amen . I cross the way between heaven and earth to be with you in the days of heavenly wedding . My coming down to you means : days of wedding , My wedding promised to Me by Father , the love between Bridegroom and bride , sons , for I made you into a bride that I love . I paid with My life two thousand years ago to have a bride today , for the bride is the one in the day of wedding , the one who remains a bride , for I come afterwards and I reveal My wedding , which I longed for two thousand years ago .
I showed Myself alive after My passion under the cross , and I proved Myself as true God , coming from heaven among people through the Virgin , for after the resurrection I had to reveal in depth the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens to My disciples . Then I told them to stay in Jerusalem , not to depart from it , for I promised them the Holy Spirit from Father , and I told them this : « For John indeed baptized in water , but you will be baptized by the Holy Spirit , not many days from now ». I told them that they will receive power and will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and to all the margins of the earth , and speaking like this and comforting them by the sweetness of My words , there came a cloud and covered Me from their eyes , and the cloud went up to My Father ; it ascended into the sky , and My angels appeared to those who were looking after Me and they said them : « The Lord ascended from you into the sky and he will come back in the same way as you saw Him going into the sky , for He went to come back again ». Amen . I told them that if I do not go , I will not be able to come back , and this is the purpose for My ascending into the sky , but look , the man took My earth and does whatever he wants on the earth . The man wants to work out My coming after his will , but I will come as I ascended and not otherwise , for I ascended to My father from My loved disciples , and I will come back the same way . I will come to My loved ones and not to anyone , for My house and My mountain are those who love Me as I loved them ; they are those who give all their life to Me , as I gave Mine for them , for those who love Me according to the truth . But the man is haughty .
There is still a little while and I will come with My glory , which I ascended into the sky with , two thousand years ago . In a little while , I will come for those who hardened their face and faith and in their being because of their wills , which are not of My wills . Just a little time more and I come , and I will appear among those that are My loved ones , for I am with those that love Me , giving their lives for Me . Amen .
I have come with a holy feast into the garden . I am on the clouds of glory above the little garden of My word , for it is written into the Scriptures : « As He ascended into the sky , so will He come back ». I am Bridegroom to you , sons anointed by My chrism . I chose you from among the sons of the people to set you apart for Me and to make you the way of My coming . Oh , how beautiful you are among the sons of the people ! I sing you as the bridegroom sings his bride and I call you My day of wedding , for when the bride appears the wedding is also ready . I am your Bridegroom ; I am your comfort ; I am your love and I sing you , so that those from heaven may know you as My bride on the earth . Oh , how beautiful you are among the sons of the people ! Your glory is not seen , but you are beautiful children , and you are My wealth , which I rejoice over . Everyone has got his own possessions . The world and the master of the world ,